Monday, April 6, 2009

Bait and Switch Dinner

I realized I haven't blogged in a while. It's harder to sit down and make the time at home. I used to use part of my lunch hour, but my home computer has so much more on it to distract me.

This past weekend was really busy for me, but it was all fun stuff. I was just suffering from a lack of sleep from the work week that I really wanted at least one lazy day at home.

The weekend began Friday night. Erik and I were so tired we took hour naps after work instead of getting in our job. We were talked into going to Ruin with Ryan, Meg and Josef and since we hadn't seen Meg and Josef in a while we decided to do it. I just didn't want another hangover the next day so I made sure to be good at the club. We went out the previous 2 weekends as well, and each time, I only had 3 drinks, but when you're a light weight like me and the drinks are strong, that's all it takes. I stuck to two lighter drinks and it worked. The music was nice except they didn't play enough stuff I wanted to dance to. Erik and I each had things we needed to get up early on Saturday for, so we left about 12:30.

Saturday morning, the first weekend of faire opens. I had visited site the weekend before just to say hi, but ended up deciding to work part time this year. I'm only working 1 day a weekend as opposed to all the weekends over the next 6 weekends. I'm just not quite ready to give it up yet. Each year as a worker, it just gets less and less fun, but I would miss the friends that do return every year. Every year a few disappear. My faire boss admitted to me that it isn't home anymore. I don't know how much longer she's going to stick it out. She's only running 3 games this year. I only worked my traditional Earth Darts first shift.. it actually felt like it hasn't been a year since I last hawked that game. I guess after 8 faire seasons it feels like an old hat. Fred and Judy were working and planning on spending the night. Judy decided to head back to my apartment when I left around 3pm. We got back to my apartment and that was the only time I sat and watch tv all weekend. Fred showed up around 6 and we decided to go see Adventureland. I really liked that movie. I was expecting more of a comedy thanks to the previews, but it was so much more serious than they make it out to be. I love the 80s sound track too.

Sunday, Erik and I had planned a date day. Noah from was going to be at Disneyland giving away scream prizes so we decided to hit up Disneyland and try to win one. At the last Batsday in Nov., Erik won a really cool pocket watch. We began the day breaking in our new rollar blades at a park we like. The little downhills were hard since neither of us are good at stopping and I fell once and Erik fell once. After rollar blading, we headed to Disneyland to have Gumbo in a bread bowl for lunch. Erik hasn't had any in a while and it's always been one of our favorites there. I was surprised how long the line was for gumbo on such a hot day. After gumbo, we hit up the Haunted Mansion and Pirates as usual. We had a 5:30 dinner reservation at the Napa Rose, so we were killilng time walking around and waiting on Twitters from Noah. We rode on Autotopia which I hadn't done in years. We missed Noah's first Twitter and decided to head over to Downtown on the Monarail. Erik has never been on it and again, it had been years for me. We ended up shopping for gifts for my twin nieces and also shopping at the candle store Illuminations. All the stores are closing so their candles were 50 - 75% off. Then we headed off to the Napa Rose at the Grand California Hotel.

Originally, we had wanted to go to the Blue Bayou for dinner, but they only had a 9:50pm reservation available, so the reservation cast member had talked Erik into making reservations at the Napa Rose saying it was comprable pricing and we could order wine with dinner. Lets just say it's a "fine dining" establishment. If we had known the extent of the cost, we would have saved it for a special occasion. Don't get me wrong, the food was excellent. I had a slow braised Pork and Erik had sword fish. We ordered individual sides, 1 glass of wine each, and we shared a dessert. After tip, the total was $155. Prior to this dinner, our most expensive dinner for two was about $90 and that's with more drinks. We were planning on spending about $80 originally, and if we had just had the entrees we could have... be we were in the moment. We can afford it. It was just a sticker shock moment. And the food was excellent!

After dinner, we were still in somewhat shock over the sticker price and decided to try one more time for a Batsday scream prize. We headed back to disneyland to wait for a twitter. It was after 8pm by this time and the last prize was around 6:55, so we thought he had to do one soon, he was planning on giving 3 more out that night. We didn't really feel like going on any rides so we just sat in Tomorrowland and waited. Time kept ticking... We decided if we didn't hear anything by 9pm, we would start heading out. So we did. We decided to walk toward Fantasyland, but realized the castle was blocked off for the fire works, so we decided to head towards Frontierland and that's when we got the twitter. Noah was at the Mexican Zocal restaurant which was just down the hill where we were... I gave Erik my phone and he headed off. I caught up with him and Erik still hadn't found him.. I looked in the restaurant pointed Noah out to Erik, Erik ran over, gave the clue and we won. We ended up winning Bats Day Ears which we already have a set for each of us, but I'm sure we have a friend we can gift them too. I decided to press my luck and buy another hidden box of Nightmare before Christmas pins. I had tired earlier and got dupilcates. I got my box and opened it.. I got Columbus Day Jack and Birthday Jack neither of which I had.. I only need Christmas Jack and New Years Jack to complete the Pin collection. So far, I only collect Nightmare Before Christmas Pins.

Today, I was so drained at work. I didn't have an caffiene all day and I felt it. Erik and I didn't jog, but decided to walk 2 miles instead.. neither of us had the energy to run, but we didn't want to take a complete break from our fitness routine. Mick made pasta for dinner, Erik took a nap and I watch the series finale of ER. I watched that show for years, but after the character Mark Greene was killed off, I only caught an episode here and there. It was nice to watch the last episode. I still can't believe it last 15 years. It started the same season as Friends.