Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Where does time go?

I can't believe tomorrow is going to be Wednesday already. Tomorrow is also my mom's 55th Birthday. Sadly, I will miss it. They'll be out of town at the River again this weekend so my mom doesn't get a birthday party either. My Dad's league is bowling. He's bowled in leagues my entire life LOL.

I'm getting caught up at work finally and boy does it feel good. There's only 3 more weekends of Faire left. I'm still trying to talk my friend Elizabeth into taking over my cleaning job, but she has yet to give me an answer and I don't want to start talking to Mike about it until I've at least gotten a yay or nay or it. I have my old roomie Christine to ask if Elizabeth says no.

A visual I didn't need occurred at my cleaning job today. Friday, Mike calls me to ask if I'll prepare the bedroom directly next to his for a weekend house guest. Normally, if he asks me to prep a room it's the smaller one, so I was a little curious and had my suspicions. I go in to clean today and I'm working and finally make my way to his bedroom and what do I find on his floor, but a condom wrapper. It was a visual I didn't need. I just had to share my uncomfortableness with you all and another reason I cannot wait to quit this job.

I'm taking Thursday off from work for a Sanity day and to get a couple of things I need done. I'm finally going to get my blood drawn for my latest thyroid checkup and I'm going to get my live scan done so I can work toward getting my sub credential and qualify for the professional development they keep having at work. Sometimes it's $350 for only a few hours.

Catch you all later.

Friday, April 25, 2008

SparkPeople.com Inspiration emails

I wanted to share with you some of the inspiration emails I receive from sparkpeople.com.
The make so much sense.

Stepping closer to the light at the end of the tunnel
Hard times are inevitable--death, financial struggle, family problems, the loss of a job, depression--all of these tough times are just seasons. Abraham Lincoln once said, "This too shall pass," and you can apply it to both the good times and the bad. The thrill of a new relationship won't endure forever, just as the grief of losing a loved one won't either. So endure the hardships of life, knowing that time will eventually heal your wounds and you will make it through. Think about what struggles have occurred in your life and what they taught you. No matter how dim the light at the end of the tunnel seems, it is still a light. Each day is an opportunity for that light of hope to get closer and closer, until eventually the clouds above your head part and you feel the forgotten sunshine on you again. Overcoming pain makes you stronger and better equipped to handle the next valley.

The secrets of positive people
Positive people tend to have many similar characteristics, such as respecting everyone's contribution to a project and knowing during hard times that things will get better. They have the power to make that change happen, an understanding that their attitudes can directly affect outcomes, and a commitment to increasing positive thoughts and diminishing negative ones. Are you putting effort towards becoming a more positive person? Avoid complaining when things are turning sour, realize that the negatives and the positives in life will level out, and take responsibility for your life and actions. You are the only person responsible for your attitude--and your life.

Think twice, speak once
The idea of choosing your words carefully sounds easy enough, but how many times do you end up with your foot in your mouth? Everyone can probably recall a situation where someone offended them by saying something rude or out of line. These comments are not only embarrassing, but they can also damage relationships. Even the way you talk to yourself can be hurtful. Instead of saying "I can't," replace it with "I wish." Swap "I'm a failure" with "I didn't succeed this time." If you say the wrong thing in front of others, chances are that people will remember it. Wouldn't you prefer to be remembered for something more positive? Once you have said something out loud it cannot be taken back, and rarely can it be undone even with a tremendous amount of work.

What are you investing your time in?
Work is certainly important. Only those who are incredibly wealthy would tell you that money is of no importance. Without question, we need to work to provide for our families and ourselves. Most people don't stop to really embody the idea that work is not the most important thing, however. What is of more importance is family, friends, and investing your time in those relationships. Next time you find yourself toiling over your notes for an upcoming meeting, contemplate the message you are sending. Think about what is truly a necessity in your life and actively invest your time in those things.

Letting your optimism out
We all have natural talents and abilities that we bring to any given situation. Likewise our motivations are usually different as well. Some are motivated by money and success, others by a need for recognition, and still others by the simple satisfaction of doing a good job. But what determines HOW you behave is your attitude. Positive people are often respected, and others naturally gravitate towards them. Conversely, no one likes being around a chronic downer or someone who complains all the time. Next time someone says "Good morning," really embrace the idea! No one can take away the good feelings you have inside, so let them shine!

The sweetness of reflecting on a dream
Setting goals is easy. The tough part is putting time and hard work into realizing those dreams. The energy you are willing to put forth to reach your dreams is directly related to the probability of achieving them. Above all, be patient with the situation and with yourself. Don't lose your way by being blinded by disappointment, frustrations, and failures. Ponder the goals in your life and the obstacles you might face. Make appropriate plans to overcome those roadblocks even before they occur. Think of the reward of reflecting on a goal you have reached, rather than one you failed to see through. Most big dreams involve big effort!

At least once a week.. I'll post at least 6 of them.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I've lost track of the days

Heading into day #10 of work. As usual, I can't keep up on new student folders or deliveries at work. We start State mandated Star testing here in a couple of weeks, so I won't be enrolling any new students for a while. I'll be able to clean off my desk heehee. I hope they let me know where I'm going soon and how much longer the center I currently work is going to stay open. This not knowing is driving me nuts. I'm instructed to treat new enrollments as if nothing is going to change, but I have students on a Summer School list and we might not be around for Summer school.

Today at work we had the last day of WASC accreditation. WASC stands for Western Association of Schools and Colleges. It's the accreditation body that accredits all schools and colleges. WASC can give 6, 4, 3, 2, or 1 year accreditations. This is our 3 year, but we've been having to get year after year extensions. We hope we get the next 3 years before we have to do another self study if that makes any sense. We had to meet in Fontana for a staff meeting after WASC left. We got fed Rubios and then they gave us the good news and bad news. Mostly sounded like good news, but we won't hear anything till July. Then Pam Hall (vice president and one of my former teachers, I've known her since I was 16. I have to make her feel old LOL) gave us all movie tickets, and we got to leave at 1:45. I of course had to go to my cleaning job. I'm so quitting that in June.

I talked to my friend Elizabeth at Faire over the weekend to try and talk her into taking it over. She seemed interested. I have a back up person to ask if she decides to turn it down and if they both turn it down then I'll break the bad news that he will have to find a replacement.

Erik and I are going to camp Saturday night at Faire. They allow limited camping. I will always miss Devore though. Full camping, parties and fun. After hours at faire were some of the main reasons you worked it. It's just not as fun and the days make me tired. I want to work for a lazy booth next year. Now if I can't only keep from spending money. There are so many fun stuff to buy heehee.

I get to take off the afternoon tomorrow. Another fun filled Dentist appointment.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Yay!! It's Friday!! Erik comes home after being gone another 2 weeks tomorrow. With him only being home 3 of the last 8 weeks, I realized I really hate it when he's gone. I don't have my pillow home snuggle and be comforted by. I've never been good at dealing with stress and Erik is definitely someone who helps me deal with it well. He's my bestie best friend and life just isn't that fun without him around to bounce things off of. I honestly don't mind when he is gone a night or 2.. a week I can deal with no real problems but 2 weeks is just hard.

Last night I headed over the Heath and Karen's for dinner. Of course, Heath made an excellent meal. We had steak, salad, rice, rolls and fresh cooked spinach. It all tasted great. I brought my game Fact or Crap over but we didn't get a chance to play. We ended up watching a good episode of Survivor. I haven't watced any this season (I usual do) and it was fun to see the tables turned on Ozzy.

Tonight, I'm keeping it low key. I have to do my cleaning job after work and then I'll do about 30-60 minutes of DDR depending on my feet. With being on my feet so much, my feet have been rebelling. I don't have good feet at all. Then it's another weekend of faire. Only 5 more weekends to go heehee. The count down is on. This is definitely the last time I will be working for Mary at Good shepard. I should be looking forward to faire and I do, but I don't. I'm so burnt out on the games. But yay!! I get to see Erik on Saturday.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Somewhat of a Crazy Week.

Last Thursday, I drove up to Victorville to take my best friend and his girl friend out to dinner. We ended up at Chili's where about 45 minutes later our friend Alex and her friend K.C. met up with us. They had to drive down from Lake Arrowhead. Judy and I each had a margarita and Fred of course bought a really expenisve dinner. I chose a salad over the Honey Chipotle chicken strips I really wanted. The evening was fun and the stories we told great, I just wish I didn't have to drive back to Fullerton that night due to having work the next day. I ended up getting home close to midnight. I had been sleep deprived all week so the drive home was not fun.

Friday is a work day full of meetings. I get into work at my usual 7:30. I'm only at my desk about 50 minutes when I have to drive to Fontana for a CC meeting on a new ordering system. My boss lets us know that after the meeting we can have an extended lunch. We just need to be back at that center by 1pm in time for our inservice. I decide that since I still needed to shop for Mandi's baby shower that I would go to Babies R'Us and see what I can find. There is one close that's inside the Toys R Us. They don't have a self help kiosk to get the baby list and the person who watches it is no where to be found so I wander the store. I end up buying Trivial Pursuit 80s and a game called Fact of Crap. No luck getting Mandi's list there. I wander around Target and then end up back at the office at noon. One of my coworker's talks me into going to Sizzler. I got the salad bar, and tired not to over eat. We got back just in time for the meeting. I sit there for the next 2.25 hours listening and trying not to fall asleep heehee. My life is exciting. I get out of work 15 minutes early and head to the cleaning job. I get home a little around 6pm. I ended up stopping by the Babies R' Us by my home and finished shopping for Mandi. Why does that store have to make it so difficult to find things. I've gotten better at it thanks to shopping for so many babies the last 6 months heehee. Sadly, I don't remember how I spent my evening. It was that low key.

Saturday, I woke up early to wrap and pack Mandi's gifts and catch up on a little tv at the same time. I get to my Aunts about 15 minutes before noon. All my family is already there. We hang around chit chat and eat. The kids are always so cute. They played musical chairs. We played a couple of games. A celebrity baby picture and make a picture of Mandi's baby to be using magazines. It ws hard to grab a magazine so I ended up cuting up a picture of Mandi and Brian and pasting them on a baby's body. I'm pulling for a boy but another girl wouldn't be bad either. I was there most of the afternoon. If you want to see pictures, please check out my cousin's website http://www.trkja2stratton.blogspot.com/. I have pictures of my own, but haven't gotten a chance to take them off my camera yet.

Saturday Night, Freddy, Judy, and Alex are all coming over the spend the night before Faire the next day. I wanted to go to my friend's house warming party in Hollywood, but that was just too far of a drive. I was still trying to catch up on sleep. Alex gets to my apartment a little after 10pm. We sit down with Mick and attempt Trivial pursuit 80s. Mick beat us, and poor Alex hardly knew any of it. She's only turning 21 this year heehee. Fred and Judy don't show up till after 11:30. They get there so late we don't even have time to hang really. We end up going to bed. All three of them sleep on the couch ( I love my couch LOL). It's an L shap with a hide-a-bed so one person sleeps on the couch part and the other 2 on the bed. I didn't get to bed till 12:30 and of course I had to get up at 7:30 for another day of Faire.

Sunday, We all wake up and get ready for faire. Fred decides to get into his kilt. If I wait for them, I'll be late so I leave them and head for faire. After filling up and getting on the freeway, I realize I forgot my phone. I felt so disconnected. I get to faire and get my usual shifts. Earth Darts first shift and 3rd Shift Fish. During my first shift, Judy brings me my phone (yay). She saw it sitting on my bed before they left. So I finish my shift and call Alex to see where they are. They tell me they are at Tickle (one of the clothing stores there). It's just around the corner from where I'm at. I get over there and they are no where to be found. I end up running into a couple of older friends and it was nice to see them. They had had a falling out with one of my really good friends (it was bad) so I never see them. I only had a moment to say hello for a few minutes before heading off again in search of my friends. I forgot to mention my first ever money mess up working one of the games. I've worked these games for 7 years and Sunday I must have been frazzled because someone hands me $100 and instead of giving him 4 $20s and $18 for playing the game.. I gave him 5 $20s and paid him $18 to play my game. The game costs $2 dollars to play. I start freaking out. I'm already having a fairly slow shift. I chip in $6 because that is all I have on me. When I get off shift, I still want to find someone to loan me $12 till after I get paid. I run into Fritz (Erik's boss and friend at Faire). I'm all "Fritzy do you have $12 I can borrow and I'll pay you back after I get paid. He has me grab money out of his pouch and there is exactly $12. He says don't worry about. "Your boyfriend works for me for free." I'm all "He's my husband Fritz." I almost reminded him that he was at the wedding. So anyway he saved my bacon. Ok, back to hunting for my friends. So I look in the back of faire and head toward the front again. Now mind you, this is a lot of walking. I also tried calling them a couple of times. I finally catch up to them in the food court area. I'm so hungry at this point. They want to leave site and go someplace air conditioned. I have to be back to work in 1.5 hours. It's a pain to get on and off site, so I decide to stay and eat lunch by myself. I end up at back stage (one of the food booths has an area in the back area where they will feed workers for less so I buy a Chicken Quesadilla for $5.. cheaper then anything in the front, but not as good of course heehee. I end up sitting at a table and chit chatting with a young guy that just happens to work at the clothing booth right behind my game booth. He was nice. His name was Mike. Fred and them show back up about 5 minutes before I have to be back on shift. we decide we're going to Denny's that night. Denny's is a faire tradition. Ate too much there and headed home. I ended up doing at least 20 minutes of DDR since I didn't work out Friday or Saturday.

I'm writing a book. I really need to update more often.

Monday, was a nice laid back day. I had work and it was busy as usual. And then I worked out 45 minutes on DDR and did 20 minutes of strenght exercise. I just chilled that night.

Tuesday was very eventful. The morning was fine and lunch was fine, but about 15 minutes after lunch. Freddy calls to tell me my mom is on the way to the hospital. She thinks she's having a heart attack. He doesn't know anything else then that. So I call my Dad and let him know what I know. Neither of us can get out of what we are doing at that moment in time. I get a call back from Freddy about a hour later. Karin had beaten the ambulence to the hospital, but they won't let her see my mom until she's in a room. They keep her in the hall or ambulence for like 1.5 hours, so it's not too serious at least or they'd be working on her. I finally get up there about 5:30pm. I hang out with my mom in the ER for about 1.5 hours... they only let 2 visitors in at a time. We sneak in 3 occasionally. Me, Karin, and K.C. hang out till about 7pm when Fred and Judy show. We trade places and I take Karin and K.C. out to Del Taco for dinner. Taco Tuesday... Cheapest dinner for 3 I've had in a while. Supposedly they will be moving my mom to a room between 7:30 and 8pm.. We wait for the call that she's been moved to a room, but by the time we get back to the hospital around 8:30, she still is not in a room. I say by to Fred and Judy. They have to head home. My Dad has to head home as well. Mom is insisting that he go to work tomorrow. She is fine. Karin and I go in. Mom insists that I leave and head home since I have to get up early. I hug her by. Karin and KC are staying till she gets situated in a room. I stop by my parents house give my Dad a proper goodbye and pick up a soda. I hit the rode about 8:55. Traffic is beautiful.. I'm not tired and I get to where my job is in 35 minutes (It took me 60 to get up there from work). Then all of a sudden they close the 3 right lanes for construction and I'm in stop and go traffic. I get home just after 10pm.. I'm like I need to work out. I grab my step. Turn on the Biggest Loser and do Step for 30 minutes. I crawl into bed about 12:30 and now it's Wednesday. I have to do my cleaning job today since I wasn't able to do it yesterday. My mom should be heading home in the afternoon. Haven't heard anything yet.

I started writing this blog about 7:45 and now it's almost 10am. Darn my work interrupting my writing. I hope everyone else is having a slended Wednesday!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Thankfully I'm busy or I'd miss Erik more then I do. Aproximately 10 more days and he comes home. I still can't seem to make enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done and I don't even have kids yet. One thing I know I'll be doing is quiting my cleaning job in a couple of months. After 3 years, His house just disgusts me. The guy has made a couple of improvements to the place, but for the most part the house needs a complete overhaul. He's a pack rat and piles things in corners and hasn't moved them in years. I dust the piles but they're so gross. Erik's car is almost paid off and his payment is the amount I make per month cleaning. I don't really need the money from it anymore, but I like having the extra cash in my pocket. I'm going to see if my friend Elizabeth wants to take it over. She has the time and needs money now that she's back in school plus she's one of my few friends that actually lives by me and near his house.

I can't wait to sleep in a little this Saturday. My body has been crashing lately. I'm getting workouts in, but I've been exceeding my calories almost everyday and not getting enough sleep. I still the same weight I've been for my last 3 weigh-ins.. 154.8. I seem to hit a plateau every couple of weeks. I predict next week I will be down since I've increased my work outs and am cutting back on my calories again. Today, will be hard though. We're having a potluck at work for a coworker that is leaving next week on maturnity leave and I'm taking my best friend out to dinner in Victorville for a congratulations for finally having luck in getting a good job. My friend Alex is driving down for Arrowhead to join us. Can't wait! I just hope I'm not too tired driving home tonight.

Still playing catch up at work. My desk is never clean and I always seem to have a box next to my desk that needs emptied. I just made a huge order from Office Dept yesterday and I'm not looking forward to getting that shippment. It will be huge and I don't know where I'll put everything, but we needed it all. We're in the process of changing ordering companies. I've been perfectly happy with Office Depot. And I have a meeting tomorrow about a new company. So I stocked up heehee.

Can't wait for Mandi's shower on Saturday!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Congratualions Benni!!

So I'm a ding bat and completely forgot to congratulate my Sister-in-Law Benni for giving birth naturally (except she did have an epidermal) to my two new nieces Juniper and Lauren Sack. I don't know too much of the specifics getting most of it 2nd hand from Erik and my mother in law, but they were born 5lbs 2oz and 5lbs 6oz. Not too shabby.

Oh and a Happy Belated Birthday to my cousin Nick. I hope you had A Happy April Fools.. I mean Birthday! And my nieces share the same birthday as my Aunt Debbie. Happy Birthday and Unbirthday to Everyone!

Heading into day #9

So tomorrow will be my 9th straight day of doing some sort of Job. My regular day job has been extremely busy for me and I just can't seem to unbury my desk of all the work and everyday the little jobs keep piling up. I really need to make an Office Depot order tomorrow. Today, I find out. I'm having a meeting friday morning and my company is now going to be piloting a new office supply company. They've used Office Depot for at least 8 years. It so easy for me to use. I guess they want to try and save some moneyk, but it just irritates me. I usual order from Office Depot and get my orders the very next day. The Ren Faire started this past weekend, and even though, I'd been fighting the idea of working and especially going back and working for Good Shepard Games, I really missed it and the people. What I do miss is the dirt and how sore my feat and ribs are after walking around and wearing a bodice all day. My lungs really hurt this morning after all the dirt. I still have the cleaning job tomorrow too.

Another thing you many not know is Erik has left again. He found out last Thursday that he would have to fly out to Herndon, VA for another 2 weeks, but this IS is last time, so say his bosses. I really hate it, but at least it gets a little easier. He's not as stressed out this time too and our friend Adam who lives out there is back from his 2 week business trip, so he can keep him company and take him out for Guniess (one of his favorite beers). So I'm alone again. I should be in bed. It's almost 11pm and I get up at 6:20am. I normally sneak these in at work, but not lately.

So good things too look forward to. The big thing is Mandi's baby shower on Saturday. I can't wait to see her, her kids are so cute, and all the rest of my family that will be there. I'm also driving up to Victorville to have dinner with my Best friend Fred and his girl friend. He has finally had some good luck come his way in way of a job. He's been unemployed since January. My friend Alex maybe joining as well. The only thing that sucks is I have to be in Fontana at 8am the next day for that meeting.

I still don't know if my parents will make it to Mandi's baby shower or not. I hope so. They never come visit me. They've been to Laughlin I don't know how many times this year (I lost count), but they can't seem to make time to visit me (they're only child). I drive up to see them a couple times a month if I can.

Another thing that happened this weekend is mine and Mick's attempt to feed Erik's ball python Wrym last night. So Erik forgets to feed him on Friday and we don't get home in time to buy a Rat on Saturday, so that leaves Mick and I to do the dirty work. I never thought I'd ever feed or be involved with the feeding of Wyrm. I went to the pet store with the intent to buy the ugliest white male rat I could find in Wyrm's size. The only one in the eatable size was the cutest hooded female rat. I was line ready to pay for it and for some strange reason I was getting teary eye'd over this Rat (if you don't know, I have had 2 female hooded rats as pets). I was feeling really guilty for some reason. So I get home and we wait for Wyrm to wake up. We attempt to feed him and what does the snake do. Not eat the rat. So Mick puts her back in her little box with the intention to feed her to the snake tonight. Tonight, Mick has had the rat in her box on the patio. He goes out, checks on her, and rinses out the snake's feeding box. Comes back in and handles the snake some to make him more active. About 30 minutes elapses. He goes back out and low and behold, there is a big hole in the rat box and the rat is no where to be seen. She escaped. At least she has a fighting chance now. We've decided that Erik can deal with Wyrm when he gets back. It's been months since Wyrm ate, so Erik thinks he's starting to wind down into old age. I've never been a huge fan of the snake, but he was Erik's pet, so I've somewhat become attached a little. He's more furniture then anything. Enough of my long winded story. I'm just glad I found some time to blog.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Quick post

I haven't had a moment to think for myself it seems the past week. Work has been monopolizing my time and thoughts. This coming weekend will be the beginning of the Southern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire. It will be my 7th straight year working it. I'm working for Mary Skears at Good Shepard Games. After last years drama, I didn't think I'd be back, but Erik and I decided we want a large TV so I want the money. So for the next 7 weekends, I'll almost be working 7 days a week. I'll be taking a day off here and there. I'm taking Saturday April 12th off for Mandi's shower. Some day I'll have one of my own. My sister-in-law, Benni, is due with her twin girls any day now. I usually like to take a moment away from work to post, but work hasn't been letting me lately. Hopefully, I get caught up this week.