Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I've lost track of the days

Heading into day #10 of work. As usual, I can't keep up on new student folders or deliveries at work. We start State mandated Star testing here in a couple of weeks, so I won't be enrolling any new students for a while. I'll be able to clean off my desk heehee. I hope they let me know where I'm going soon and how much longer the center I currently work is going to stay open. This not knowing is driving me nuts. I'm instructed to treat new enrollments as if nothing is going to change, but I have students on a Summer School list and we might not be around for Summer school.

Today at work we had the last day of WASC accreditation. WASC stands for Western Association of Schools and Colleges. It's the accreditation body that accredits all schools and colleges. WASC can give 6, 4, 3, 2, or 1 year accreditations. This is our 3 year, but we've been having to get year after year extensions. We hope we get the next 3 years before we have to do another self study if that makes any sense. We had to meet in Fontana for a staff meeting after WASC left. We got fed Rubios and then they gave us the good news and bad news. Mostly sounded like good news, but we won't hear anything till July. Then Pam Hall (vice president and one of my former teachers, I've known her since I was 16. I have to make her feel old LOL) gave us all movie tickets, and we got to leave at 1:45. I of course had to go to my cleaning job. I'm so quitting that in June.

I talked to my friend Elizabeth at Faire over the weekend to try and talk her into taking it over. She seemed interested. I have a back up person to ask if she decides to turn it down and if they both turn it down then I'll break the bad news that he will have to find a replacement.

Erik and I are going to camp Saturday night at Faire. They allow limited camping. I will always miss Devore though. Full camping, parties and fun. After hours at faire were some of the main reasons you worked it. It's just not as fun and the days make me tired. I want to work for a lazy booth next year. Now if I can't only keep from spending money. There are so many fun stuff to buy heehee.

I get to take off the afternoon tomorrow. Another fun filled Dentist appointment.


Mandi A. said...

Dentist ugh...I really need to go (and take the girls) Hvae fun camping (even if it is at work ;o)

My Geeky Mom World said...

Strangely without any encouragement.. just my chair tilted back... I fell asleep for like 20 minutes. I think I'm getting used to these monthly visits LOL.