Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The last two months, I've been taking it easy with my exercising. Late in January, I started having more asthma attacks then I had been requiring me to use my expensive provental inhaler 1-3 times a day. I don't want to stop working out, but it so annoying. In February, I only worked out once a week. So far this month, I worked out twice the first week, once last week, and so far once this week, but I'm shooting for tomorrow so it will make 2. And what happened after today's workout which was 35 minutes on the elipitcal? Another bad asthma attack. I really hate my exercise induced asthma. I stay calm, but when you can't breath and only want to cough and these are you little baby coughs either. My doctor just tells me to take it slowly and it will improve. I wanted to get a change in prescription for the inhaler last time i was there but we got side tracked about pregnancy talk. Still no luck there, but we're hopeful. If nothing happens this month, I will start ovulation tracking on the fertility friend website my cousin Christina showed me.

I've been getting wired at night and not getting enough sleep. I'm going to try and get to be before midnight tonight. Wish me luck.


Mandi A. said...

ugh - how frustrating. Whats gonna be mor frustrating is when you do have the baby and try to lose the baby weight! Its hard enough without asthma attacks! good luck! (on both fronts)

Stratton Family said...

What if you were to try very small amounts of exercise on a daily basis? small like 10 minutes of walking, would that induce an asthma attack? I'm thinking that you'd have better luck working out for very short periods of time more frequently than forking out once a week. I'm wondering if it would slowly improve your asthma attacks. then maybe after a month of 5-10 minutes a day add a couple minutes and the next month add a couple more minutes and so on.

That has to be SOOO irritating having asthma attacks, I can't imagine having to deal with that. Other than STRICTLY watching your diet I haven o idea how you would lose weight having to deal with that.

I would try to strictly watch what you eat and exercise very small amounts everyday.

My Geeky Mom World said...

I'm really bad about doing things slowly when I work out.. I have attacks even when not working out so I just deal. I was fine through January when I was working out heavy. I worked out tonight and managed to get through the asthma attack without having to use my inhaler which is good for me. I don't want to always be dependent on those being around.