Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm trying Tumblr

I'm really bad about posting, but a friend showed me Tumblr and I'm going to try it.. I'll try to remember to link here when I post there so you know when I post. I haven't figured out how to link the two yet.


My Geeky Mom World said...

I can't figure out a comment system on tumblr yet either.. oh well.

Mandi A. said...

RICKI - Im sooo sorry. It's never easy to go through that no matter what stage or how many days. It was still your baby. Im sure you will have your day to be a Mom though!

Stratton Family said...

Hey, I still can't comment on tumbler you need too stay nothing again. How are you feeling? Hope things are going well. once it gets close to August I'll come cook you some meals to freeze!