After being laid off from a job I loved and have been a part of since I was 16, I needed an outlet for the happy and frustrating moments in my life. Born, raised and living in Southern California, I am 41 years old and happily married to my best friend. We have 2 adorkable boys age 6 and 2. Taking life one day at a time. I plan to share our adventures, my interests, and occasional frustrations. Fair warning, it takes a lot for me to dislike something.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Only Two More Days to the Week.
This weekend was a 4 day weekend at work. It actually started Thursday afternoon. My work decided to take this weekend and remodel my center. I was so tired of the institution white walls and tripping over students. We of course had to pack up a lot of stuff. We had a nice long lunch at the Olive Garden afterward. I decided to order what I used to order all the time. Campelini Pomodoro. It was good, but not as good as I remembered. I made a joke before our lunch meeting that we should stay and have drinks afterward. A couple of my coworkers decided to go for it, but one of them really wanted a Cadillac Margarita from El Torito. The closest one was a 20 minute drive. We ended up going. I had my leftovers sitting on my seat and I ended up having to hit my brakes hard on the way.. spilling half of them on my floorboard. I did my the best I could at cleaning it up before I went into the restaurant, but for some reason it really grossed me out.. So much for my leftovers ;). I had one Margarita and then was talked into eating some Fried Ice Cream. I love El Torito's Fried Ice Cream. I didn't end up eating dinner that night.
It sucked that I didn't eat dinner Thursday night because Friday, I had to go in for bloodwork and I had to Fast. I went from 4pm to 10am the next day. I was so bloody hungry. I spent most of friday playing Little Big Planet on the PS3 since Erik had to work.
Saturday, we thought about going to Disneyland till I looked up blockout days and realized both Saturday and Sunday were blocked to us. Monday wasn't and we had that day off so we decided on Monday. Since Erik usually drives everywhere. I planned our V-day. I drove us to Newport Beach and we played in the surf and walked to Balboa Pier. It was nice. I remembered fishing on that pier with my Dad when I was a little girl. We were tempted to eat at the Ruby's that's on the end but we decided to drive to Huntington Beach. We ended up at the Huntington Beach Beer Company. We'd eaten there once before when we were dating so it was fun. They were pretty crowded, but we got a table in a corner. We were kind of secluded which was nice, but slightly sucked for service. We were both very relaxed so we didn't mind. We had Sweet Potato fries which so good and pizzas. Erik tried out their fresh brewed Red.
Sunday, we made plans to play online with our friends. We haven't been playing City of Heroes as often as we used to. It was a nice relaxing lazy day.
Monday, we started what we thought would be our Half-Marathon training. We're using the couch to 5k plan from It's a nice slow build up that I need to strengthen my lungs and legs for more sustained running. We're so dedicated, we did ran in the rain. I also did laundry. Around 3pm, we headed over the Disneyland. Thanks to the rain, It wasn't very crowded. By the time we got there, the rain had stopped too. We got on a bunch of rides the 4 hours we were there. We decided to eat at ESPN zone in downtown. I chose a wrap. The sad thing is I have two fake teeth now. I had my other baby tooth pulled last Wednesday in preparation for my dental implants and I can't really bite into things. So my wrap was like eating a salad with a tortilla.
Tuesday, I spent all day at work unpacking and being annoyed at the "help" we were getting that was causing me to do more work later (like today) because they were listening to me. Oh well, I'll have my center back in ship shape order before too long.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Little Things that Bug...

I had two things occur today that bugged me.
Yesterday at work, I made up a flyer for a Field Trip that is coming up for the Musical Evita. I used the stock photo that was used for advertising it on the professional level. Here is the Picture.
One of my teachers thought others would get offended by the word seduced, so I had to cover it up. I work at a high school where we have Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, The Catcher in the Rye and other notable books that have been on numerous banned lists. It just bugged me that I had to cover up the word seduced. I get seduced by food everyday heehee. My cover up was "She Enchanted a Nation" It works. It just sucked because they didn't tell me to cover it up till today when I had already printed and included about 30 in some welcome folders I put together to give to new students. It just made more work for me really.
Today, on KROQ a radio ad I heard on the way to work kind of annoyed me. It was for With a name like that, it seems benign enough. What it offers is a dating site for those in a relationship looking for something more. They provide a "safe" "annoymous" place for individuals to have affairs. It's an eharmony for cheaters. How annoymous can it be? It is on the internet afterall.
Otherwise my day has been going smoothly, I'm actually bored at work. I don't have a lot of work to do which is strange so I'm stretching out what I do have.
Monday, February 9, 2009
2009 So Far
- My year began finishing up my holiday visit to Erik's family in Central Illinois. The first day of the year, I was recovering from a slight hang over which was really embarrassing because I was the only one to have one from the night before. I spent New Years Eve celebrating with Erik's Sisters, Brother, and their significant others playing Rummy and Apples to Apples. We had a blast. I'm not a big drinker, but my third Cap cod put me a little over. I didn't get sick sick, but I wasn't able to eat anything substantial till 5pm.
- I spent my 2nd day of the year attending my first Hockey Game. It was for the Peoria Riverman which is a Farm team for the St Louis Blues. We were a little late, but we had great seats and they won the game. I bought my niece and nephew a couple of souvenirs afterwards. They had a blast!
- I had some back problems and even through my back out a little the day before I had a doctor's appointment to discuss my back. I was prescribed a couple of visits to physical therapy where they gave me exercises I'm supposed to do for the rest of my life. They also told me I have slight scoliosis which I will get a 2nd opinion on because, I've had physical therapy and chiropractic care on my back before in the last 10 years and neither of those doctors said a thing.
- In the middle of the month, Erik and I threw a BBQ and had a few friends over. One of my friend's drank way too much. It actually ended up being a play off party since the Football playoffs were that day.
- The next weekend, Erik and I ventured out to Sherman Oaks for Ryan's combined birthday party. Mick came with us and my coworker Jill also came. I was a fun night of Wii and friends.
- The Monday after was MLK day and I had the day off from work, but my coworkers really wanted to do a girl day at the movies so a bunch of us got together to see Bride Wars (I wasn't planning on seeing this in the theatres). It was funny, but sadly most of the jokes were shown in the previews. I don't plan on owning it.
- The only other movie I've seen recently in the theatres was Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. I do plan on owning this one. It was a very decently done prequel and makes me forget all about the bad sequel for Underworld.
- The last day in January, Erik and I ventured out to Huntington Beach to pick up my Surf City Half-Marathon race packet for the next day. Strangely enough without planning it, I met up with my cousins there at the same time. We were all planning on meeting at Buca De Bepo that night for dinner and to load up on our carbs. As usual, we all ordered too much food, but boy was it good food.
- The next day I was woken up by my next door neighbors blasting Death Metal at 4:30 in the morning. I can normally sleep through it but since I was getting up early to go race 13 miles, i wasn't in the mood. Erik and I left a little later than I wanted but it all worked out. We ended up parking in overflow parking and the line to get on the bus was huge. I ended up on the bus with Mandi and her friend Alana, so I didn't have to hunt them down. And then we immediately ran into Tanya and Christina. The timing was perfect. Within the first mile of the race, I lost all 4 girls. They started at a much faster pace then my body was going to handle since I didn't train for it. I had my cell phone which provided me my music. My music kept me entertained while I walked and occasionally jogged. By mile 4, I was starting to hurt. In mile 8, I saw Alana just ahead of me, so I jogged to catch up and we walked miles 9-13. It was nice to have someone there to keep pace with in the final miles because I was in a lot of pain. I jogged across the finish 3:37 minutes after I started. Not too bad without any training. I averaged about 16:30 a mile. After the race, I could barely walk. Erik and I went home and he waited on me while we watched the Superbowl. One of the better games, I've watched in a while.
- I really didn't walk normally till Wednesday and then it still hurt. We picked up our combined Valentine gift on Wed. We got a surround sound system to go with our TV. I know I'm such a geek. It took Erik 3 days to finally get it installed, but the sound is great.
- Strangely, on Friday just a section of my left quad muscle decided to hurt me. I was limping all day Saturday when we went to the Getty Center with Mick, Fred and Judy. We caught a lull in the rain and it was so beautiful there. We stayed 5 hours walking around and looking at all the art and antique furniture they have.
- Sunday we called it a rainy day, Erik and I played Little Big Planet (the most adorable game ever), Erik did laundry for me, and I also continued to work on my Twilight puzzle that I picked up the night we went to see Underworld. There's a lot of dark colors in the puzzle so it's pretty much kicking my ass. I've been working on it a week and I'm hoping to finish it tonight.
- This week at work, we're preparing for a huge remodel and I'm looking forward to the change; I'm not looking forward to people messing with my organization.
- I'm going to start a race training program: couch to 5k. I wanted to start this week, but I don't know if I'm going to with the rain. It's a 9 week program so I technically don't have to start for another 2 weeks if I want to do the OC half Marathon in May (which I'm seriously thinking of doing). I've got the bug heehee. Since I had no training for the last Half, I wanted to step it up a little to see where it takes me. I will eventually do some hard core training, but I don't know if my time is quite ready for it.
I will follow this up with a picture post of some of the events I listed above.