I had two things occur today that bugged me.
Yesterday at work, I made up a flyer for a Field Trip that is coming up for the Musical Evita. I used the stock photo that was used for advertising it on the professional level. Here is the Picture.
One of my teachers thought others would get offended by the word seduced, so I had to cover it up. I work at a high school where we have Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, The Catcher in the Rye and other notable books that have been on numerous banned lists. It just bugged me that I had to cover up the word seduced. I get seduced by food everyday heehee. My cover up was "She Enchanted a Nation" It works. It just sucked because they didn't tell me to cover it up till today when I had already printed and included about 30 in some welcome folders I put together to give to new students. It just made more work for me really.
Today, on KROQ a radio ad I heard on the way to work kind of annoyed me. It was for ashleymadison.com. With a name like that, it seems benign enough. What it offers is a dating site for those in a relationship looking for something more. They provide a "safe" "annoymous" place for individuals to have affairs. It's an eharmony for cheaters. How annoymous can it be? It is on the internet afterall.
Otherwise my day has been going smoothly, I'm actually bored at work. I don't have a lot of work to do which is strange so I'm stretching out what I do have.
I can not believe there's an eharmony for cheasters how rediculous!! that seriously shows how low our morals truly have gotten!!
your right...both things are lame!
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