Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Things happen Fast

Wow.. I haven't posted in over a week. I've been wanting to post, but of course it's finding the time and the motivation to do so. Since I last posted, I went to Knotts Scary Farm for my friend Josef's Birthday day. Those of you who have me on MySpace and Facebook will see my new default pic of Erik and I there that Arielle took. Mostly during the week, I've just been working and coming home. Not really doing much else. I've been busy both at work and home, but doing the stuff I should be like cleaning and organizing. This past Saturday, Erik and I went to Riverside to eat Sushi and celebrate his old Friend Valerie finally earning her BA after 15 years of hard work. We went to a local club we've frequented in the past and it just isn't the same. I ran into one of my old faire friends who's usually there, but not no one else outside of our little party. We ended up leaving before midnight. We stayed home all day Sunday just playing video games. I did get laundry done.

Today, I got Enchanted in the mail through my Netflix and plan on probably watching by myself tonight since I doubt I'll talk Erik into watching it with me. Also, Erik had a dentist appointment to help work on a periodontal his was having and while there, they had put in the PPO that I'd recently enacted at my job so we'd have more dental coverage and they discovered that my PPO plan will cover most of my wisdom removal. We tired getting approval through my HMO last year and they kept refusing. It would have been about 1,500 out of pocket if I went through with it then. Their specialist is going to be in the office on Saturday and it's going to cost $250 for all 4 plus the sedation. I was going to be attending my best friend fianance's birthday this Saturday, but I spoke to her and hopefully she understands that I can't pass this up. My insurance will role over again starting in January and I'll be getting implants next year, so I'd loose out on the $250 from my insurance and have to pay more out of pocket if I waited till next year. I'll have all Sunday to rest and then head back to work on Monday. I'm nervous about going under though. I've never been under before. Thankfully, the option was this weekend and not next weekend.. that would have sucked.. I would have turned it down then.. I'll be out of town.


Stratton Family said...

sounds like you've been busy. Getting yoru wisdom teeth out isn't all that bad. and going under can be fun.

Loretta said...

I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed about 2 years ago and it was not that bad. It only seemed like I was under for 5 minutes. Just go home afterwards and enjoy the vicoden :)
*actually I only needed to take one pain pill after the numbness wore off. I still have some of my prescription left..........

Unknown said...

I love Enchanted!!!! :) Good luck with your teeth. I hated having my WT out. I was in pain for a month because I got a dry socket. Ugh. I hope you recover quickly!