This was a pretty decent Halloween weekend. At work I dressed as a Pirate for Thursday and Friday. Some of us decided to dress on Thursday because we don't normally have kids on Friday and one of the teachers wasn't going to be there. She found out another center was dressing as Cowboys, so she decided to dress as a Native American and invade them during lunch. I wish I'd gotten pictures, but it was hysterical.
Friday night we drove up to Apple Valley to spend Halloween night at my Best Friend Fred's place. It was only Him, his fiance Judy, their friends Kevin and Ceyanne, and his Mom. Erik and I of course dressed as Pirates once again. It was a nice casual hang out for the most part. The only snag was when Kevin decided to go on a political rant. He and I have opposite views on many things so it put a small damper on my evening. I don't usually like to discuss politics with us. Fred's brother and nieces came over when they were done trick or treating and we sat around eating candy. We headed back over to my Mom's house and 10 and spent the night there.
Saturday we woke up at 9:30 and Erik realized he was missing his Swim class. We both completely forgot he has a class on Saturday mornings LOL. We spent most of the morning hanging out with my mom. I got in a 35 minute workout on my mom's elliptical and is said I went 5.25 miles. The funny thing was I didn't have any clean work out clothes or even socks.. so I wore a bar, my chemise from my pirate costume, underwear and my shoes.. Erik said it looked pretty funny with me working out like that. Only Erik and my mom were there so I didn't mind. I still have 10 minutes to go and Erik was up to the lights so I had to give up the chemise to get washed for our party that night. I finished my work out in nothing but my underwear, bra and shoes LOL. After my workout, I showered and by that time, there were some clean clothes. While our last load was drying, we joined Fred and Judy for some Chinese food. We started heading back down to Fullerton around 4pm.
Saturday night, Erik and I had a party to attend at my old roommate and friend Mary's. I've hardly gotten to see or hang out with her this entire year and she lives like 4 miles from me. We get dressed up in our usual pirate threads and head over a little after 8pm. The party was supposed to start at 8. As we're heading down the road, we see cop lights. We get closer and closer and I realize, the lights are from cops hanging outside our Mary's place. We ended up driving around the block because we were a little surprised by them. Erik ended up parallel parking right behind the cops. Bobby, Mary's husband, was outside talking to a couple of band members. It turned out that during the band's sound check, someone a couple of house's down already decided to call the cops on a noise complaint. After that though the party went off pretty smooth. I got to see old friends. Mary and Emily were both there. I got to see Rebecca, who is pregnant with a little girl, and meet her boyfriend for the first time. I met Mary's old high school friend Alina and her fiance Sean. Bobby's really good friends with the brew master at Taps (a restaurant in Brea), so he provided all the beer. I don't like beer, but thankfully, so one had wine. Erik and I didn't leave until after 1:30. We got home and just before going to sleep, I watched all the clocks reverse back to 1am. I was nice to watch time reverse itself.
Sunday, was a really lazy day. I slept in till 9:30 and didn't do much of anything. I didn't get a work out in like I should have. I know my cousins are a lot more diligent with their work outs than I. The important thing was I registered for the half-marathon. I'm really excited about completing it, even if I walk most of it because I didn't train hard enough.
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