Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight and more...

So I can practically say, I spent most of my time either watching or reading Twilight books this weekend. If you don't know the premise of Twilight, you're probably a guy. I had fought the urge to read the Twilight series for years. I knew about it, but I have 3 bookshelves of books at home that I'm still in the process of reading. I told myself, I wouldn't buy more books till I finished the ones I already owned. I don't know why they have to lable books "Young Adult". I've been into young adult books since I was technically in children's books. One of my favorite authors is considered a young adult writer.. Christopher Pike. I grew up on his books and own almost every single one. Alrighty back to Twilight.

One of my coworkers finally picked up the books after hearing a bunch of teens in her student teaching classes talk about them. She only picked up the first 2 since they were the only ones in paperback and she didn't want to spend the money on the hard backs. She came back and had to tell us all how she couldn't put the book down and read the first one is 6 hours. I'd been fighting the urge, but on Wednesday, I finally gave in and stopped at Target. I only picked up the first since it was on small paperback.

I couldn't find much time to read it Wed or through Thursday. I started it Thursday during my lunch. I had plans that night so I couldn't read much, and then on friday, I had a lunch meeting, so I couldn't even read during lunch. I did get off work early, but I drove up to my mom's, so there I was trying to hand with my mom and read a little here and there. I took the book with me when I met up with my best friend and his seriously Twilight Obsessed fiance (Edward is her Vampire Lover) obsessed. We went out to eat and I read there, we got to the theatre and I read while we got in line. By the time, we got in the theatre, I was halfway through the book. I really enjoyed the movie outside of the overly screaming girls and the two sitting next to me that were complaining about them changing the story. I do wish there had been more in there getting to know you phase, but it was still a great movie. I didn't finish the book till Sunday movie because we had a potluck on Saturday and I spent Saturday morning with my mom.

The first book also included the frist chapter of New Moon, so of course I had to continue reading, but didn't have the other books. I decided to go find them. I stopped at the closest bookstore first. Borders. They only had hard backs and I knew the 2nd book was available in soft cover. I picked up the 3rd one for 19.99. I tried the mall book store and decided to drive to Barnes & Noble. It's a farther drive then the others. I went to the young adult section and nothing but hard backs. I looked around and found a table devoted to twilight and sure enough they had New Moon in soft back. I made one more stop at Costco where I purchased their very last copy of Breaking Dawn they had. As of this afternoon, I just pasted the 200 page mark and already cried in it. Not as good as the first one, but I do look forward to the next movie. I'm starting my later nights at work today so I won't be able to continue the book till much later.


Mandi A. said...

so, did you finish it before the movie?

10 hr das are rough...unless its 4 10s :o)

Loretta said...

Yay, I am glad you decided to read the books. In case you were not aware, there is a 5th book but the author is not going to finish it because some it got leaked on the website. It is called Midnight Son and the first 264 pages are on her website. I have it saved in s pdf file if you need me to email it you :)
I think I need Twilight AA. (I saw the move again)

My Geeky Mom World said...

Sadly, I was only halfway through the book by the time the movie started.. I would love the partial written book Loretta.. And that sucks she won't finish it just because it got leaked.. stupid leakers.