Erik does a good job resembling him. Of course a lot of people had him stop so they could get his picture. We ended up parking at Qualcom Stadium because we knew parking near the Convention Center would be a mad house and cost a lot. San Diego's Trolley train system is great and picks up right at Qualcomm.Friday, we get up at 6:30 to begin our trek to Comic-Con is San Diego. This event it huge. It emcompasses comic books, tv, movies, video games, books.. really anything to do with popculture and entertainment. It start with Comic books though. It's a 4 day event. We only got tickets for Parking was free and the ride only cost 4.5o round trip.
theThe first stop is at Qualcomm so by the time we get to the last stop before the convention center train was packed.
We didn't get into the con till about 10:30, but immediately hit up the NCSoft booth so we could get our VIP passes to the party we were going to on Saturday night. If any of you don't know, Erik and I play an MMO (online video game) and have for the last 4 years. We like to go to events hosted by the community reps and developers of the game. They end up being a lot of fun. So after we got our passes, we walked the floor and boy is it packed there.

Lou Ferigno talking to a fan. Some Steampunks

Richard Hatch from BSG taking a pic with The Iron Giant from Ironman
Who Wants to be a Superhero winner.
I found Nightmare before Christmas Sally doll (I collect memorablia from that movie and it's really hard to find non Jack stuff, so I was excited about the Sally Doll). I also ended up finding a dress I'm going to wear to Bats Day this year which will be in November and not blistering hot August. If you don't know what Bats Day is, it's Goth day at Disneyland and it's a blast to dress up for. I don't consider myself Goth, but I have a lot of friends that associate themselves with the culture. We sat down and had a Pretzel Dog snack and looked at the panel event schedule. I noticed they were hosting a panel for Joss Whedon's "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along blog" starting Neil Patrick Harris. I got to watch it in its entirity at my birthday party the Saturday before and I've been a huge Joss fan due to Buffy the Vampire Slayer (my favorite tv show), so we head up to see if we can get in. The line is huge, but after much discussion we decide what the hell. We end up not getting in, but the next 2 panels in the same room are for American Dad (erik really likes this show) and Family Guy (which both like).

We manage to get fairly decent seats and stayed through both panels. I have to say I really like Seth McFarland and Seth Green, and I like them more having seen them live in person. It's amazing the stupid questions people will ask them at panels. One girl gets up and asks "This question is for Seth, if you had a terminal illness like I do (Seth Green interrupts to specify which Seth since he and Seth McFarland are sitting next to each other) .. she's asking Seth Green. So she goes back into her question "If you had a terminal illness like I do, how would you continue to stay funny." It's not necessarily a stupid question to ask, but the way she asked it. Seth respond that it was a pretty heavy subject and at first didn't know how to respond then he says "I'd live everyday with Joyfulness, Yes I'D LIVE EVERYDAY WITH JOYFULNESS" Another guy asked Seth McFarland "What's with all the Mexican jokes" Seth's response "I don't know you tell me". He went on to talk about the shows being "Equal opportunity offenders". They really do make fun of everyone.
Ok enough about the weekend. For some reason, my back has just been killing me the last 2 days. I don't know if it's from the crappy twin bed Erik and I squeezed ourselfs in or dancing too much on Saturday night. I almost didn't go to work today because of it.