Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Painful at work

Ok this is a bit TMI, but I have to vent about my body to help distract me from want to pee. Sunday, I developed a small feeling of a UTI. It has been a long time since i've had any issues. So I get some cranberry juice and it has stopped bothering me by the end of the day. Monday and Tuesday, I'm fine with no weird feeling going on. About 11am today, I suddenly have to pee really bad. I go to the restroom and I can tell that the UTI is back in full force. I haven't had a situation like this since 2003. I had to sit through a meeting from 11:30 to 12:30 and it steadily got worse. I was barely able to walk to the store in the same parking lot as my work for some cranberry juice. I have since drank 3 bottles. It's embarrassing having to go to the bathroom every couple of minutes because it feels like you're going to pee your pants.

As of right now, I'm starting to finally feel better. I'm going to try and not move around too much but it will be hard at work. I just have to get through the next 3.5 hours, and I'll be fine., but boy does this blow.

On some to some good news, I finally submitted for my California 30-day substitute teaching credential. With it I will qualify for professional development at work that provides extra money for little time when they come up. Some of them can even be fun. Last year, they did Top Sail where you man a sail boat. They use it to fortify teamwork in the work place. I'm excited about the prospects. It'll also enabling me to move up in the company if I want to do something besides my current position of Center Coordinator (which is the only job in the centers that doesn't require a BA).

I also finally bit the bullet and joined Netflix. I've always wanted to try it since Erik and I don't really like going to video stores to rent anymore and the one closest to us that we decided to get a membership in closed suddenly. I got my first disc today. We're lazy about watching movies. I borrowed the Other Bolyn Girl from my friend over a month ago and we have yet to watch it. We will though. My first delivery through netflix's is BSG's miniseries. With the last episode coming and I haven't got the series on DVD yet, I wanted to watch it from the beginning again.

One other thing, Erik started work college this week. He taking a total of 6 units and Fullerton College. He's starting with his prereq English class, a college studies class, and walking for fitness to get rid of his PE requirement. He thinks he'll really like his English professor.


Loretta said...

OH that sucks about the UTI - do not worry about it being TMI, that is what blogs are for - right...
Good luck with your new adventures at work, the sail boat part sounds fun. Congrats to Erik for going back to school.

Stratton Family said...

hope the pee situation gets better...and I suggest Netflix or blockbuster some sort of mailing movie rental I love it... and once you guys have a baby you too will love it!