After being laid off from a job I loved and have been a part of since I was 16, I needed an outlet for the happy and frustrating moments in my life. Born, raised and living in Southern California, I am 41 years old and happily married to my best friend. We have 2 adorkable boys age 6 and 2. Taking life one day at a time. I plan to share our adventures, my interests, and occasional frustrations. Fair warning, it takes a lot for me to dislike something.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Drama, Drama, Drama... Will it Ever End?
Life around me has been fairly drama free since my wedding when I had problems with one of my bridesmaids. She showed me where she set her priorities, and sadly my wedding wasn't one of them. I'm glad she still made it to the wedding even if she didn't stay long. She and I didn't talk for 6 months after my wedding. I still care about her and talk to her sometimes, but she and I will probably never be really close friends again. We only see each other occasionally at clubs and talk occasionally through MySpace. That was my last personal drama that I had to deal with, but my friends can't seem to make drama free decisions and I feel like get stuck in the middle.
Why do dating relationships have to be so difficult for some? I have a friend who has the worst luck in dating relationships. He had a bad break up last year and I just kinda fell on his side. I don't hold anything against his ex and enjoy seeing her the rare occassions I run into her. I just hope my friend can find some happiness soon because he seems so sad most of the time. My friend's breakup was the drama of the last year, this past week a different drama opened in a different group of friends.
The latest drama is with roommates who have been friends a long time. Erik and I play an online video game called City of Heroes. I have a couple of friends from my junior college days that started playing with us a little over a year ago. They shared a one bedroom apartment. After a year, one of them wanted to move on and felt he couldn't talk to the other about it and only gave him 4 days notice before he moved out. The apartment was paid up through the end of the month though, however the other friend felt he couldn't stay. Time will tell, if their friendship is able to recover, but I want to remain both their friends and it sucks being in the middle.
The one item that always shows itself to me when drama comes about is lack of communication. People talk but much of what they say can be nonsense. Much of the time, the talking is the culprit that creates the drama in the first place. All I have to say is talk to your friends, don't pull the rug from under them. They're your friends for a reason.
Ok enough venting for one day. Thanks for listening.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My friend Arielle's sister needs help.
A few years ago, my friend Elysia was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer at age 24. She and the cancer had a knife fight, and she came away the victor! But the fight was not without cost - she now has lymphadema.
Elysia is an incredibly talented, driven, and important person in my life, not least because it weren't for her, I wouldn't be dating her amazingly gorgeous and talented sister.
Please donate a dollar or whatever you can, and pass along her message.
From Elysia:
Hello my loving friends and family (and friends and family of my friends and family). This is not spam (yes, Elysia Skye is writing you a personalized electronic message woohoo!!!). I have surgery on November 5th to cure my right arm of Lymphedema. This surgery is going to cost about $25,000 and I have been instructed to take 6 weeks off work. Long story short (cuz the long version is in the attachment), I need $30,000 ASAP.
I have recently registered my non-profit organization (, so this donation will be a tax write off for you! So, if this email hits 30,000 people and everyone sends me ONE DOLLAR, I will have enough money to have this surgery!
Please send me $1 (or more if you'd like, i won't argue, i promise) and please, SEND THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND REQUEST THAT THEY ALSO SEND ME $1. This is REALLY important. Please FORWARD this on (send $1 and repost please).
You can send a check or a dollar to the address below, or pay online through paypal to
I hope to raise more than enough so that I can continue working toward Cancer Awareness in people under 40.
This is very important to me, so thank you for your time and generosity.
Love and Gratitude,
Elysia Skye
"Die From Laughing, Not From Cancer."
The Elysia Skye Breast Cancer Organization
PO Box 4573
Valley Village, CA 91617
Monday, September 15, 2008
Weekend ends in Frustration
I slept at my aunt Debbies hanging out with Mandi, Christina, my Aunt Debbie, and Mandi, and Christina's babies. We all ended up going to be really early for me anyway. A little after 9pm. I called Erik to say good night, and since I got the tv room, I ended up watching Pretty Woman which I hadn't seen in years. Admittedly, I still like it.
Saturday: We headed to Rose's Bridal Hat Shower. The object of the party was that everyone was to wear a hat. I didn't get a chance to go shopping for one like I wanted, so I ended up using my straw hat that I had purchased at the Ren Faire back in 2002. I should have woren my pirate hat. My cousin Christina and I look at Target and we ended up buying these really cute Witches hats. It might come in handy for Halloween or some other function sometime. I accidentally left it in her SUV though. We were at the shower a little longer then expected, but it was nice seeing and hanging out with my cousins, aunts and Loretta. Rose's mom has a pretty nice place.
I drove home that night and Erik and I watched the latest Netflix's movie I receive. The Brother's Grimm. I hadn't seen it and watched it in honor of Heath Ledger. He was fun in it. I will probalby post a review on my Viewing Mayhem page about it.
Sunday, I cleaned up around the house and played video games most of the day. I wasn't the most productive, but it was nice relaxing. I was just finishing up some stuff online when I decided to look at the reviews on my website. I occasionally sell things on the website, and last month, I sold a movie called American Anthem. It played absolutely fine in my VHS player. I even copied it onto a DVD because I wasn't ready to give up the movie entirely. I sold the VHS for about $10. And the guy gave me a 1 review back in August. He NEVER contacted me that he was unhappy about the quality. He did say he got it in a timely manner, but that the quality played bad for him.. I totally would have given him a refund no questions asked. I don't sell a lot and only have a few reviews so one bad one on my record really messes with the percentage, and before him.. I had a 100% rating. Boo to bad communicators Boo!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thursday.. is it really Thursday?
It started Sunday when I woke up and my eyelid hurt a little. I ignored it and it really didn't bother me that much. Then on Monday, when I woke up, my eyelid was all was very puffy and it hurt even more. My eye itself was fine. No redness and it didn't itch. Admittedly, I was starting to freak out a little bit. My insurance had recently switched over as of the first and I hadn't received my new card yet. I was able to hide it with makeup and no one at work noticed it. Now this is a bit gross, but a head developed on the area just under the eyelashes on the right side. I popped it. It was small. Tuesday, the swelling on the right side of my eyelid was gone but I realized, I had a 2nd pimple. This one hurt a lot and it itched. No head has developed by it has shrank in half. However, the last couple of days, It's been giving me migranes because of it's location. I have lipton cup a soups at work that seem to diminish the headache while I'm drinking it. I think it's because of the warmth. I'm going see about getting some excedrin at lunch. I'm noticing it effecting my work. I sorta snapped at a coworker when she asked for something, I didn't want to give up at the moment. It wasn't a major snap or anything, just something that I shouldn't have done.
The eye thing has been the only big irritant outside of some simple work stuff. I'm incharge of the curriculum supplies in the center. I make orders once a week. They never sent me an order from early in August and so far they've duplicated an order from a few weeks ago. I just got a shipped in today and it almost looks like it will be a triple of that same order. I'm running out of storage space.
Good things going on:
- Erik is loving his English class and his swimming for Fitness. Is college counseling class is pretty lame though.
- I'm really enjoying my Netflix's membership, and still thinking of increasing the # of dics I can keep at a time.
- I checked on my application for my sub credential and they received it on 8/22, but it is still pending evaluation. Slow pokes!
- I've been working out more and back to counting my calories. I get lazy about counting, but it seems to be the only way, I'll loose weight.
- The roommate is leaving for the weekend today, so Erik and I have the place to our selves heehee.
Last night, we met up with Erik's cousin-in-law Rafe, who was out filming an Insurance convention for work. Sounds thrilling I know, but he loves filming and editing. He's out from Peoria and it was great hanging out at the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney for a few hours. Of course, we picked the only restaurant down there that has a stipulation on the use of Disney season passes for discounts. We showed off our apartment and he was enamored with our tv and extensive DVD collection (I'm obsessive). It's always interesting hanging with Rafe. We only usually get to see him when we're out to Ill once a year or so. He's my age and grew up in Paris. Erik's cousin met him when she was over there for a semester aboard. They've lived a couple of times in Paris, but now their permanently back in Peoria. He does have an accent, but it isn't that strong. He just is fascinated with so much of the small things in life. It was a good visit.
Tomorrow night, I'm attending an Arbonne party that my coworker is hosting for her sister. Then Saturday, Rose's Bridal Hat shower. I have a hat that will work, but I want to find something cuter. I have a few hours to kill before the Arbonne party, so I'm going to go shopping at Victoria Gardens in Rancho. I've only been there for dinner a few times, but never to shop.Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Labor Day laziness
Saturday, Erik has his PE class, so he went swimming for fitness for 2 hours. He bike rode to and from school and boy was he tired when he got home. We went and watched Babylon AD and it has an interesting premise, but wasn't well executed. It was lacking.
Sunday I did DDR for an hour which hurt my back some and we hosted a small movie party with a few friends. A couple of my friends who live in the Hollywood area were going to the House of Blues at Downtown Disney, so they stopped in for a few hours and we watched the Crow. My friend Ryan also joined us and stayed when Talon showed and we watched Tron and Clerks 2, along with a couple of South Park episodes from Season 11. I made homemade French Bread pizza that was a hit. I have to admit, it tasted pretty darn good.
Monday, My back was still hurting so we didn't make it over to my friend Mary's for a BBQ. I ended up taking in easy sorting through my file cabinet and playing video games all day. Erik did BBQ some chicken burgers and we had fries. All the healthy stuff for a Labor Day.
I hated going back to work because I'm so busy here getting students enrolled. I drove up to Victorville last night and had dinner with my Mom. It was nice her and I each having Quesadilla Explosion salad at Chilli's. Hmmm.. I ate my left overs just now for lunch. Back to the chaos that is my day of work.