Sunday, March 2, 2008

Finally Did It

My cousin told me I should create a blog on here, so I did. I'm on Myspace, but I've been wanting someplace that would be easier to blog on or just vent about an issue that is bothering. It's nice to have a place to vent sometimes. I probably won't much because I tend to not vent, but you never know.

I'm sad today because My husband, Erik, isn't due back from Herndon, VA for another week. He was suppose to be home yesterday. We're not used to being apart for this long. I'm not going to deny, I liked having the bed to myself for a couple of nights but that has long past and I want him back. One more week and he will be.


Stratton Family said...

yay, you made a blog. cool. I don't think Jim and I have ever been apart for more than literally 3 days and only that long maybe 3 times ever in 6 yeares... crazy. I hate when people travel, I get freaked out an panic just scared that it'll be the last time I see them.

My Geeky Mom World said...

I'm so going through withdrawal from him. I am so glad we have a friend who lives out there to keep him company. It already feels like it's been longer then a week. Keep me updated on delivery. You'll be a mommy hopefully tomorrow!!