I got a little more sleep thanks to my body deciding I needed it. I crashed at 11:30 instead of 12:30 or 1am. I'll be driving up to visit my Old roomie and friend Emily, My Best Friend Fred and his girl friend Judy and my parents afterwork today which means I probably won't be home till like midnight. I'm bringing my laundry and giving Freddie some stuff I no longer want. Some VHS tapes I tried selling but after having them listed for over 2 years I'm just giving them away. I did sell most of my VHS tapes though and I'm still posting the Out of Print ones that you can make good money on, but only because I transferred them to DVD. If they ever come to DVD, I will so get them. I tend to like a lot of weird and crappy movies that just make me happy. I'm also going to give Freddy the rest of the Star Wars stuff I had when Episode 1 came out and I had gone on a buying frenzy for some reason. I'm too lazy to repost them to sell so to Freddy they go.
So on to the good news I got today. Some of you reading this know I got rear-ended on my way to work on Valentine's Day. It was the first time I had any kind of car collison in like 7 years. I freaked out at the scene and only got the guys name and #. That night, Erik called the guy and got his insurance informationl, but we talked about not going through insurance companies since the guys was being so honest. I really lucked out on this guy. So we'd been incontact with his dad's company since he was driving his dad's work truck at the time. I got an estimate done. February 18th and today we finally got worried that they are going to pay for it no questions asked. They talked to the body shop and are going to pay by credit card. Now the only thing to do is get the car there. With Erik gone I can't really do it this weekend, but I could do it during the week. Take a part day off of work and then have Erik drive up after work and pick me up. It'll be in Hesperia so I can get Fred or my parents to pick me up.
Now the only other news I want to hear is my cousin Christina having her baby.
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