Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Caught up on my TV

Yesterday ended up being catch up on the DVR. I got home from work about 5pm. Immediately got in my work out gear. My DDR pad is still on the fritz, but I'm going to work out. I got out my step. Turned on last Thursday's episode of General Hospital (can't seem to stop watching it all together, even if I give it breaks every few years). I then pulled out the my step and just started stepping while I watched. Before I knew it I had worked out of over 25 minutes. Did some strength exercises and then sat down for my night of TV. I finished 2 more episodes of General hospital and moved on the a epi of Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Bleach. I also watched the season finale of Stargate Atlantis, and 2 episodes of the show New Amsterdam. I also watched an episode of Smallville and Reaper. I finished the evening with a cheesy 2 hour 3rd movie to the Cutting Edge. Yes they made not just 2 but a third movie. It was cheesy, cute and formulaic so I liked it LOL. So I started watching tv at about 5pm when I got home and I finallly went to bed at 12:30. I don't normally watch this much tv straight.. I usually only devote an hour or 2 a day... I love fast forwarding through the slow parts and commercials of course.

The only other eventual thing that happened was that Mick was MIA. He had left Friday to go visit friends in SD and by Monday evening, I had no word on him. He was supposed to work on Monday so I assumed he'd be home by Sunday night. Erik called his friend that he started at over the weekend and found he had left to visit someone in El Cajon Sunday Afternoon, but no word after that. His phone had died. We finally heard from him and he got home around 11:30 last night. I was into the chessy figure skating movie at this point. The funny part was I never changed out of my work out gear till it was time to go to bed. My life is exciting sometimes. :can you hear the sarcasm:

1 comment:

Stratton Family said...

ha I use the DVR to catch up on watching John & Kate Plus 8 haha.