Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Expenisve but Fun Memorial Weekend

For over a year, Erik and I have been putting the extra money that he got from business trips and I got from cleaning into a jar to save up for those extravagent items we have wanted, but didn't want to put on credit. We're trying to get out of debt not add more. Sure we could have used the money we were saving to pay off some debt, but I pretty much have that in hand and if I keep steady at it we'll be debt free in about 4 years. The credit is there if we need it for emergencies and such.

So far with the jar, we have rebuilt my computer, gotten a new printer, new entertainment center, my first none used couch, and this past weekend, we bought the most expensive item on our list. A 52" HD LCD Television. We were nearing what we wanted to save and I realized Memorial Day was coming up so we decided to wait till Memorial Day for any sale we might get.

Retail the Phillips TV we ended up getting runs an average of 2,100 - 3000 in price. It was on sale for $1799. It is a beautiful TV and sits perfectly in our livingroom (it wouldn't look right if it was bigger). It was nice to hand the cash over instead of using a credit card. We also got new cell phones this week the EnV2 with a qwerty keyboard. I'll have to pick up texting more now.

We also got new season passes to Disneyland and paid for 3 months worth of car insurance. Our stimulus refund came in and we decided to use it. I did put a little bit into savings. I do feel a little guilty over spending as much money as week did, but it was all for stuff we'd been thinking of for a while.

Next items I'm saving for (but now that I quit my cleaning job will take longer to save up for) are a new matress and frame (we're upgrading to a Queen from a Full). A new dining room table (I already know what one I want), new sound system for the TV, and we keep coming up with more items ;). Of course if I was to get pregnant in the next year, plans will change.

Friday, May 23, 2008

SparkPeople.com Healthy Reflections

April 19, 2008
Giving It Your All
If you can do your best and forget your worst, you've already got a head start on tomorrow. As long as you lay it out there every day, you can relax when yesterday is behind you. Of course, the only way this will happen is if you give yourself permission to forget. You can use this approach in anything: Pick up a problem, do what you can with it, and then put it down. Work your tail off at the office, then leave it there (the work, not your tail). Deal with a personal crisis by finishing off one day at a time. There's a great deal of satisfaction in leaving things be for a moment. There's a great deal of freedom in knowing that you could do no more. And there's a great deal of success awaiting the person who gives it her all, no matter what.

April 21, 2008
Living a Meaningful Life
Looking for meaning? Having trouble figuring out how to make a difference? The answer may be closer and simpler than you think. Ask yourself: If I were gone tomorrow, what will I be most proud of having left behind? The answer will be different for each of us, but it may tell you something about why you're here. Your answer can be as involved as a foundation you helped start, or as simple as a favorite picture that you took. Something will be here when you're gone. What would you like it to be? What one thing would tell the world what you were all about? Maybe it's your child. Maybe you're already working on something that could turn into one of your greatest accomplishments. If so, give it your all. The more of yourself that goes into it now, the more people will be able to see you later on.

April 22, 2008
How Well do You Roll with the Punches?
Change is the natural order of the world. When something tries to stand against the force of change, it's eventually destroyed. Cliffs are eroded, trees are uprooted, granite cracks. People can crack too. For us to grow and live--to flourish--it takes adaptation and learning. Stubborn attachment to a single set of "knowledge" or way of doing things leads to stagnation of the mind and spirit. Remember to keep an open mind to new people and new ideas. Challenge yourself to always be learning something new. Focus on the possibilities of a fresh start, instead of hanging on to old frustrations. Sails are made with cloth for a reason. When they're stiff, winds beat against them until they tear. But if the sails are relaxed and workable, the wind can take you to places you've never been before.

April 23, 2008
The Wisdom of Listening
One common trait to nearly every good leader is the art of listening. Many times, the best leaders can be among the quietest in the room. They know their time is well spent in hearing new perspectives, ideas, and thoughts. It's how they grow personally and build visions. The wisest leaders know that hearing themselves talk is no way to build trust and goodwill. You can do the same thing. When a friend needs to talk, resist the urge to give advice right away and just listen. Ask questions, and really try to understand the answer. When a customer calls, don't say a word about your product until you fully know their needs. When your spouse is hurting, it's not the time to prove that you were right. Over time, you can develop that leader-like sense of when to open your mouth and when to keep it clamped firmly shut.

April 24, 2008
Appreciation of the Good Things in Life
How many times are we blind to the good in front of us because we're looking past it for something better? It's like watching the railroad track your entire life, waiting for a train to come in and never realizing that you're sitting smack in the middle of the splendid Grand Central Station. Take a second look at your goals. Are they building on the good already in your life? Are you taking full advantage of the strengths you already have? Is it worth giving up what you have for what you might have? In many cases, the answer is yes. To that we say "Go for it!" with all the enthusiasm we can muster. Those are the meaningful goals. If the answer is no, try reworking your goals to include ones that complement your present life rather than substitute for it. Whatever the answer is for you, we could all use a little more appreciation for the pieces of silver in our lives.

April 25, 2008
Are You Taking Life Too Seriously?
When was the last time your doctor told you to stay home and watch "Seinfeld"? Or suggested a night out at the circus? Or told you to play fetch with a dog? It probably hasn't happened, but the day may not be far off. Laughter and fun are great ways to break down the walls of stress, preventing both mental and physical damage. Play time loosens up joints constricted by tension and poor posture. It brightens your attitude and is a healthy outlet for the most troubled thoughts. Even during our time off, it seems like we still spend a lot of time working--as a handyman, chauffer, mechanic, negotiator, therapist, cook, activist, or whatever is called for. Next time you're starting to feel the strain, think about how long it's been since you just played for the fun of it. It might be longer than you think. Then go buy yourself a toy.

April 26, 2008
The Value of a Supportive "Family"
Ha. But seriously folks: Your family can be an undiscovered source of pleasure and deep satisfaction. True, families can sometimes be aggravating and even dreadful. But if you're fortunate enough to have caring, supportive relatives, don't waste it. Sometimes in the search for people to help us with our goals, to be excited for us, to pick us up when we fall--we overlook what's right in front of us. Family help isn't for everyone, of course. But maybe your "family" can be a close group of friends instead, or members of a social club or your church. The point is, happiness involves people that are most important to you. At the very least, your family wouldn't let you get away with goofing off on your goals--shoot, they haven't let you get away with anything since you were 12

April 29, 2008
Believing In Yourself
Limitations can either define us or give us a challenge to outwit. When you look at your abilities, do you see boundaries and limits, or do you see possibilities and potential? Obsessing about weaknesses can blind us to the untapped abilities we already have. You have talent. Everyone does. The secret to success is to find that talent, develop it and push it as far as you can. Grandma Moses might have been a lousy bowler, Einstein probably couldn't sing a lick, Michelangelo could've been unable to speak well in public. So what? They knew what they were good at and rode that pony. Your talent might be right in front of you: where do you get the most compliments? What seems to come easily to you? What do people ask your advice for? Live there. Don't let the rest get in the way.

May 1, 2008
Finding and celebrating the joy in life
Each day is a new chance to find joy and to dance. If you let it pass or think it useless, the chance is gone and you'll never get it back. When was the last time you played? Or just did something for the sheer fun of it? Joy is not found in the world around you, it's within yourself. You can make your own joy, especially during those dark times when you need to really feel alive again. Fun and play are healthy antidotes to taking life--and ourselves--too seriously. They're proven boosters of immune systems and mental health and make life worth the trouble. So do the twist. Sing in the shower. Learn a magic trick. Watch a cartoon. Challenge some kids to a game. Don't let a single day go to waste.

May 2, 2008
What do you take a stand for?
Courage comes in many forms. In Hollywood, courage involves evildoers and daring deeds. In real life, rescue workers, police, and the military have the courage to lie their lives on the line for someone else or a cause. Even for those of us who live life on a much smaller stage, courage is no less important. The world and the future can be scary. Fear of failure, fear of change, and fear of taking a chance can be enough to keep us in bed all day if we let them. Do you live bravely or do you often look for the easy way out? Next time you're faced with two choices, choose the bolder. As this becomes more natural, you can be sure that you'll do the right thing when called upon. Stand up for your values. Stand up for your goals. Stand.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I can't wait to sleep in...

I can't believe it's already Wednesday. This week is going by fast. I like that it is and I don't. I want to enjoy every moment i have, but then I want the stuff I'm looking forward to, to happen faster.

This past weekend was the last one for the Ren Faire. If I was writing this at home, I'd post some pictures. I also have a video of closing parade. Closing parade is always a fun ending to the Ren Faire. Many of the groups go all out. Erik even dressed up for it. He wore his faire pants and boots with a Pirates of the Carribbean shirt from Disneyland, his Skull mask, Jack Sparrow dreads, a Jack Skellington Hat and he had a sign taped to his shirt saying.. "I'm going to Disneyland", which we are doing on Saturday.

I will miss my faire friends as usual. We might end up seeing the new Indy this friday. No one has been contacting anyone though. I'm usually the one who sets these things up. It would be nice if someone else took the initiative. 11 of us did end up seeing Prince Caspian. I did a review of it on my Movie Mayhem page. I really enjoyed it. But I love most fantasy movies in general.

Friday is my very last day cleaning at Mike's. It's about time. I've been talking about it enough. Hannah is picking up the keys and instructions from me at the house Friday on her birthday. I will miss the dogs and the occasional run-ins with is daughter Mikayla when she is home from school, but I will not miss cleaning that house at all.

What I can't wait for is this weekend. I'm sleeping in Saturday morning.. which for me will probably be 9am. Erik and I will be buying new cell phones (Razors suck, my battery never stays charged). In the afternoon, we will be heading to Disneyland. I wanted to buy the premium season passes again just once. The last time I bought one they were still in the $200 range now they're $379 and I just can't justify that kind of money for a season pass, so we're going to pick up the Deluxes and add parking, saving about $200 total. But at the same time, we get discounts in the stores with a premium and I might end up saving that 200 elsewhere.. decisions.

Sunday is planning to be a nice lazy day. My friend Justin is coming over and we're going to celebrate his birthday from yesterday and then Monday my parents are coming down to help Erik and I go buy our tv and for a small BBQ at our apartment. We got another skychair at the ren faire this weekend so hopefully Erik hangs it up by then.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

My Mother-in-Law sent this in an email and I thought it was funny. Enjoy!


BARACK OBAMA:The chicken crossed the road because it was time for a CHANGE! Thechicken wanted CHANGE!

JOHN McCAIN:My friends, that chicken crossed the road because he recognized theneed to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens onthe other side of the road.

HILLARY CLINTON:When I was First Lady, I personally helped that little chicken tocross the road. This experience makes me uniquely qualified to ensure-- right from Day One! -- that every chicken in this country gets thechance it deserves to cross the road. But then, this really isn'tabout me, although I clearly remember having to dodge enemy fire asChelsea and I tried to cross the road.

DR. PHIL:The problem we have here is that this chicken won't realize that hemust first deal with the problem on 'THIS' side of the road before itgoes after the problem on the 'OTHER SIDE' of the road. What we needto do is help him realize how stupid he's acting by not taking on his'CURRENT' problems before adding 'NEW' problems.

OPRAH:Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is whyhe wants to cross this road so bad. So instead of having the chickenlearn from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I'mgoing to give this chicken a car so that he can just drive across theroad and not live his life like the rest of the chickens.

GEORGE W. BUSH:We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just wantto know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not. The chickenis either against us, or for us. There is no middle ground here.

COLIN POWELL: Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see thesatellite image of the chicken crossing the road.....

JOHN KERRY:Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now againstit! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about thechicken's intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it.

NANCY GRACE:That chicken crossed the road because he's GUILTY! You can see it inhis eyes and the way he walks.

PAT BUCHANAN:To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.

MARTHA STEWART:No one called me to warn me which way that chicken was going. I had astanding order at the Farmer's Market to sell my eggs when the pricedropped to a certain level. No little bird gave me any insiderinformation.

DR SEUSS:Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, thechicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.

ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die in the rain. Alone.

RUSH LIMBAUGH:Because the chicken was gay! Can't you people see the plain truth?'That's why they call it the 'other side.' Yes, my friends, thatchicken is gay. And if you eat that chicken, you will become gay too.I say we boycott all chickens until we sort out this abomination thatthe liberal media white washes with seemingly harmless phrases like'the other side. That chicken should not be crossing the road. It'sas plain and as simple as that.

GRANDPA:In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebodytold us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough.

BARBARA WALTERS:Isn't that intewesting? In a few moments, we will be wistening to thechicken tell, for the first time, the heart warming story of how itexperienced a sewious case of molting, and went on to accompwish itswife wong dweam of cwossing the woad.

ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.

JOHN LENNON:Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing roadstogether, in peace.

BILL GATES:I have just released eChicken2007, which will not only cross roads,but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance yourcheck book. Internet Explorer is an integral part of the Chicken.This new platform is much more stable and will never crash & reboot.

ALBERT EINSTEIN:Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath thechicken

BILL CLINTON:I did not cross the road with THAT chicken. What is your definition ofchicken?

AL GORE:I invented the chicken!


DICK CHENEY:Where's my gun?

AL SHARPTON:Why are all the chickens white? We need some black chickens.

REVEREND JEREMIAH WRIGHT:damn that chicken. Does that make me unpatriotic?

Friday, May 16, 2008

More Health Reflections from SparkPeople.com

How Do You React to Setbacks?
When problems come up, how do you react? Do you look for blame, or do shoulder what you can and try to repair it? Do you throw up your hands and look for an easier way, or do you learn, adapt and keep pushing? There's a lot of talk nowadays about 'personal responsibility'. That's great. But it's usually brought up only in finding fault. It's true that to show 'responsibility' is to own up to your role in the problem's cause. We don't often hear about the other side of responsibility--an obligation to be part of the solution. Even when a hardship is not your fault at all, you can--and should--do what you can to fix it. Your skills and abilities create an obligation that only your character can fulfill.

Enjoying the marathon
Life is like a marathon. We run and run, not knowing where (or how far) the finish line lies. We focus so intensely on prolonging the race but sometimes--despite our best efforts--the race is cut short. Too often we don't relish the path of and enjoy the details instead of just pounding the pavement of life. What personal boundaries can you expand to help you enjoy your life? Today meditate on the simple joys: a warm bath, reading a book to a sleepy toddler, or spending quality time with your family and friends. All of life contains bumps in the road such as losing your job or an unforeseen illness. But it is up to us to determine the quality of our lives. Remember, we don't always determine the distance, but we can determine the path

Reading as brain food
The benefits of a lifelong love of reading are endless. However, these benefits diminish greatly if you neither read productive works nor let the words sink into your mind. Reading the funny papers over a classic novel is almost incomparable. Do the books, papers, and articles you read nourish your mind? Do you reflect on the material you are taking in? Often discussing a passage with a friend or journaling about it on your own can leave a lasting impression on your mind. Make sure that the information you are taking in is not only full of "nutrients" but is also being properly digested.

Living Within Today
Sometimes it seems like we're always putting off our goals until some vague time in the future called "Once". "Once the New Year rolls around...", "Once I have my new job...", "Once I retire...", "Once the kids are in school...", "Once the kids are OUT of school..." Sound familiar? By waiting for Once to get here, we waste time and frustrate our desire to do what we really want. It's a fact of life that every time one potential distraction disappears, it's quickly replaced with a new one. There will always be something that can stand in your way - if you let it. Ask yourself: are these distractions real reasons, or just good excuses for putting something off? Goals cannot be started in the future. The laws of time and nature dictate that you can only act in the present. You are here, today. So are your goals. The only good time to start is right now.

Are You Giving Your Goals Your Best Effort?
Your dreams deserve better than a half-hearted effort. Meet your goals with a weak handshake and they'll soon be waving you goodbye. Since you probably don't want to look back on a life full of "almost made it" memories, it's time for total commitment. Leave it all on the field, don't hold anything back. Is there anything more satisfying than pouring out your entire being, straddling the cliff, reaching your total limit, then looking up and realizing that oh-my-gosh-I-can't-believe-I-really-did-it? And is there anything more tragic than failing and realizing you could have done more? If you feel "tuned out" of your current life, that's okay. Make your first goal to build a life that you can get "in"-to. Then don't look back. Make every day count and live purposefully, live energetically, live completely.

Where Luck Comes From
It's interesting. Successful people generally believe they made their own breaks. Meanwhile, the unsuccessful types tend to think that success is more found than earned--that fortune smiles on some and sneers at others. The truth is somewhere in between. With hard work, more doors open, more opportunities come by. Which opportunities show up can be a matter of chance. If your mom's not Naomi Judd, you may never get the chance to sing in Nashville. But whatever "happens by", you still have to be ready and willing to take advantage of it. It's really a matter of confidence and preparation. Belief in yourself will help you rely less on luck and more in your abilities. And a strong foundation will give you the power to bust that door down when opportunity comes knocking. You, too, can be lucky. You just have to work at it.

How Do You React to Setbacks?
When problems come up, how do you react? Do you look for blame, or do shoulder what you can and try to repair it? Do you throw up your hands and look for an easier way, or do you learn, adapt and keep pushing? There's a lot of talk nowadays about 'personal responsibility'. That's great. But it's usually brought up only in finding fault. It's true that to show 'responsibility' is to own up to your role in the problem's cause. We don't often hear about the other side of responsibility--an obligation to be part of the solution. Even when a hardship is not your fault at all, you can--and should--do what you can to fix it. Your skills and abilities create an obligation that only your character can fulfill.

Surrounding Yourself with the Right People
It's easy to recognize a perfect candidate for your support team. Just look for someone who has a way of making everyone else around them better: someone who succeeds by developing other people and letting them in on the fun; someone who is genuinely happy when other people succeed. That's the person you want on your side. The pages of history are heavy with tales of the misguided who were proven wrong while insisting something couldn't be done. Why put up with that? Believe in your goals enough to know that you shouldn't stomach people who don't. It's okay if you're the only one who believes in your dream. But someone who truly believes in YOU should help you believe that if anyone can do it, you can.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Why do I have to work...

So these are my last 2 weeks of working 3 jobs. In two weeks, I will finally be down to one job. This will be the first time I'll only have one job. When I graduated high school later then I should have in 1997, I immediately started going to junior college that fall. I spent 2 years just going to school. I got most of my general educatioin classes done those 2 years. I started working for Options for Youth (where I graduated from) July 1999. I cut back on my classes and started working.

I finally graduated from Victor Valley College with 2 AAs in May of 2002. I continued to work at OFY in Victorville, and moved down to Fullerton to move in with a friend and her friends that summer. So for about 6 months, I did only work at OFY, but I was driving from Fullerton to Victorville so I might as well have had 2 jobs. Spring of 2003, I started attending Cal State Fullerton as a Theatre Major. I was only taking 2 classes, but it was something. It was hard to get in my required classes because of my work schedule so I quit and started attending school full time in 2004.

From 2004 to 2005, I was only a student but to poor to do much outside of school. In May of 2005, I started the cleaning job. I was fine with it at first and it was money I needed. I was tired of living off of my student loans completely. I graduated CSUF June of 2006. I didn't know what to do about a job. An opportunity came up at my friend Heaths place of work called MasterDrive. They were looking for a sales associate. I'm like I can do that it's not cold calling or anything like that. That is until I got that job part time with along with a skills clinic position where I was teaching the kids on to drive. They had this sales technique that I just couldn't get into. After a month and a half, I quit the sales side. I was actually enjoying the clinic job. Just didn't like giving up my weekends. I immediately called up Options and inquired about any CC jobs down in the Upland area. A month later, I had a interview for a part-time interim CC position for someone who was on Maternity leave. I got it and started at the end of November. So at this time, I was working at OFY, MasterDrive doing the skill clinics, and the cleaning job.

A month after starting back with OFY, I got the full time position that I'm currently working in Chino. Yay.. Full Time. In february, I quit MasterDrive. This this past tuesday, I finally quit the cleaning job. This weekend is the last weekend of the faire for the year and next year, I will work somewhere else so that I don't feel obligated to be there every weekend. I will be missing a BBQ my cousin Nick and his fiance Rose are throwing :(, and today, I get to work and my cousin Tanya called to invite me to Disneyland. If I had known last night, I could have called out but I was already at work. I couldn't go up to my boss and say hey, can I leave to spend the day at Disneyland. I have plenty of time off. Next time, I'll have my season pass too heehee. Erik and I are buying them the weekend of Memorial weekend with our extra federal "stimulus refund" We got our little announcement that it was coming but it's not in the bank yet. I wish I had more freedom to drop work for the day and just go off and have fun. At least, I won't feel the pressure from the cleaning job after next week. It will be easier for me to take vacation time. I hated taking time away from the cleaning job because work would just pile up. Even at OFY, it happens like that since I'm the only CC in the position at this center. In the summer, I'll be moving to a larger center where there is another CC i'll be sharing with so I won't feel the pressure of work piling up. It will be nice. But I still wish I didn't have to work and could just work on stuff that interests me. At least I enjoy my job. I don't hate it. I do miss theatre though. I won't work in it though.. way too demanding on your time.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wow another one

As you can tell, I'm finding more time to blog at work thanks to star testing and not having new student folders or orientations or testing to schedule. I still have a lot of work to do, but none of it is really pressing.

I made chicken enchiladas for the first time last night. Didn't use a recipe at all. I find myself experimenting with cooking alot now. Last week it was a spontaneous lasagna and yesterday it was enchiladas. They both came about pretty decent. Mick and Erik really liked the enchiladas. I wish I had had more cheese to put in them, but they were yummy. After I put them in the oven, I sat down to call my cleaning boss.

I did it! I finally told Mike I was quitting. My first words were I have bad news and I have good news. His response was "You're quitting and you have a replacement." It was pretty funny. So I told him all about Hannah. She's going to call him today and set things up. I will finish out next week and pass the keys over. I might help out for one week while Hannah is in Ireland for a couple of weeks in June, but other then that I as so over that job. His daughter is home from school in Hawaii. Great time to leave.. she is messy.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

2nd day in a Row

I decided to blog something. Nothing much happened yesterday, but I did get through another 1000 video files on my home computer as I continue to sort through all my recovered files. I also got my email really cleaned up and even started sorting through some of the previous emails I saved. In a way, loosing so much, I now realize how much I don't really need. I hardly look at some of the stuff I save any way.

I talked to my dentist and since the bracket isn't loose on an important tooth for movement, and it isn't causing pain or being a big inconvience, we're going to wait till my appointment on the 28th. About once every 4-5 weeks I go in anyway ;).

Today is the day I tell Mike the bad news that I am quitting and the good news that I found him a replacement if he wants her. I feel Hannah will do an excellent job and she really does need the money. I did at the time I took the job, but now it's just extra money that is helping me get the TV I want heehee.

I return you to you regular scheduled daytime. Catch you next.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Time Flys By...

I can't believe next weekend is the last weekend of Faire. Many of the middle weekends just seem to blend together. I will miss the people and my friends that I see and the new one's I've met this year. I only see them when faire comes around.

Next year, I will probably work where Erik does at Tobacco. I want something more low key. I may work garlands. I just want something not so strenuous and tiring. I only work 4.5 hours a day on the weekends, but being on my feet that long, talking and constantly prepping a game is tiring.

This weekend was the best weekend yet for money though. I finally did over $300 on a game. I earned over $50 for 2.25 hours of work. Not too shabby.

I'm buying another of the demo Sky Chairs this year and I only owe $20 on it. We're getting the entire chair with footrest, arm rests and cup holder for $75. We have one from last year, but only one of us gets to sit in it at a time. Now we'll both have a chair.

Saturday we had one of our bigger celebrities visit faire. Last year we had Hugh Heffner and The girld next door film an episode there. I didn't see them because i was too busy working and I really didn't care too, but it is good advertisement for the faire when celebrities visit. A couple of years ago we had Hugh Jackman and his kids, but he ended up leaving early because people would not leave him alone. This year we get party boy himself Tommy Lee with Rapper Ludicris. They were filming something. He was all over faire. I didn't see him till the very end. It was near closing and we were walking to get our stuff and decided to check out ale jam. Ale Jam is the party that takes place at the May Pole Just as the faire is closing. There Tommy was standing on a hay bale. It was still interesting to just see him even though I don't consider myself a fan of him. Sadly, I was more excited to see the guy who play Tuvok on Star Trek Voyager because I've always been a bit of a Trekkie. I see a lot of lower grade actors at Faire and it would be cool to see bigger stars show up but when they do they sure do get mauled. Poor Celebrities can't have any fun :).

Friday, Erik and I attempted one of our movie parties. It's hard to schedule them with faire. My best friend forgot that it was on Friday and thought it was on Saturday. Only our friend Ryan showed, but it was still fun hanging with him.. We watched Top Gun and a movie Ryan brought based on a Terry Prachett novel called Hogfather. It was a fun Fantasy.

I also introduced my cleaning replacement to the house and she's all gung ho for taking it over. Mike has been out of town the last week so I'll talk to him tomorrow about her taking over. I think she's the most compent one I thought of taking it over.

I also really need to call my dentist. One of my brackets on my braces is loose. I couldn't call her last week due to being sick. I'm still coughing stuff up but only because of the stupid faire dirt.

Today, I'm back on work catching up since I sat through a boring meeting on Friday. I'm also going to start working out again after a little over a week hiatus from it. I'm really feeling it when I don't work out. And I can't wait to hear that Mandi had a baby boy :). Any day now!

Healthy Reflections from SparkPeople.com

Here are a few more of the Healthy Reflections I've received from SparkPeople.

March 28, 2008
Taking care of what matters most
Your body is one of the most fragile things you need to care for. All too often we allow sickness, stress, and even other people run our lives. It's tough to consistently pursue your goals when you're laid up or constantly fighting illness. Take a preventive approach to your health. By eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, and dealing with your emotions, you can build and maintain a healthy body that can help you improve other areas of your life!

March 30, 2008
What you really learn from hardships
"Perhaps you think this isn't very ‘positive' sounding, but I find it helps people (patients and friends) put hardship, which is inevitable, to good use," says Richard. "People can use their suffering either to gain character or become bitter. The ones who choose bitterness live a long, slow death. The ones who choose character truly live." Richard is right on the money. Happiness and sadness don't happen to us--they come from within. The story of your life will be written with or without your help. The next chapter is happening while you read this. Will you wait to see what it says later, or will you help write it?

April 2, 2008
Expressing everyday gratitude
How often do you remember the people that have made little things possible for you? It's easy to take our privileges for granted. Today, be more aware of your surroundings--everything from your shirt, house, food, and car--and who has made them possible for you. Who has made it possible for you to experience such wonderful things? One way to let someone know that you truly appreciate their efforts is to send them a quick note or return the kindness in your own way.

Own all of your choices
The choices you make today will determine the path that your life will take. When you sit back and look at the decisions you've made in your life, are you happy with the route you've paved? If you're not, make a change today. The next time you make a choice, ask yourself if this decision will lead you to the path you want to travel along. Set some new goals that will lead you to your dreams and then plan your course.

Don't waste your energy on worrying
Too many of us worry about things that we cannot change. Although worrying gives you something to focus on, there are more productive ways to spend your time. Instead of worrying about the things you cannot control, remind yourself that worrying doesn't bring change. If it is a situation that you can control, then there is no reason to worry! Find a solution and spend your energy fulfilling it. If nothing else, just talk to someone about your concerns. Getting them out in the open tends to help put your mind at ease.

Just Breathe
Breathing is one of the most overlooked aspects of good health. Oxygen is fuel for the brain and the body. Good, clean air boosts your physical and mental performance and helps lower stress. Whatever goal you're working for, proper breathing will help you reach it.

Are you your own obstacle?
Are you trying to stick to a fitness plan, improve a relationship, eliminate fast food from your diet, or be a better parent? Whatever your goal, was there a time when you thought you couldn't do it? This is a natural reaction when things get tough. It's easier to find ways to justify your actions than to get over the hurdle. This week, eliminate the hurdles and barriers you've created. If you find yourself saying, "I can't" or "I don't have time," then re-analyze your goal. If you really want to achieve it, then make the time or take a different approach (get up earlier, stay organized, learn the skills). Find time for you and your goals.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Computer and other woos

After waking up not able to talk yesterday, I took another day off from work for some much needed rest. I did a lot of sleeping and clearing of my lungs. I haven't been sice for a couple of months, but it alwasy seems to be during the first half of the year I get sick a lot. I average about 3-5 times a year which sucks. I think this is my 3 for this year. At least I'm not my mother. She always has some aliment or virus she's getting over. My last bad infection was in January when I had broncitis. This one I think has been compounded by the dirt at the Ren Faire. I shouldn't have worked on Sunday and taken the entire weekend off. I'm doing much better today, but if I'm not well by Saturday I will not work faire this weekend. Only 2 weekends to go too.

Erik decided to take a half day yesterday so he could rebuild my computer. My graphics card decided to die on me Monday night. He decides he's going to repair the operating system on my current hard drive. He says my files should still be ok. So something happens during the repair and it ends up reinstalling instead writing up my files. I had things on there I'd been collecting and compiling for years. Needless to say I was pissed and he felt horrible over it. We paid $40 for a recovery program and it looks as if we'll be able to save most if not all my important stuff, but it was a trying couple of hours yesterday.

News on the cleaning front. I haven't had a chance to call him or even go over to clean. I'm going today. It looks like I may have found a replacement albeit a short term one. But I had a feeling she wanted some extra cash. I'll be able to give him a shorter quit time heehee. I am procrastinating in calling him, but I will soon.

Other then that stuff, Erik, Mick and I went and saw Iron Man on Monday night and I have to say, I really enjoyed that movie. Robert Downy Jr. did a good job with the role and there were some hysterical moments. If you go see it, make sure to stay till after the credits.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Hmmmmm... Monday

I'm still happy about getting to go where I wanted to go in regards to my job. It won't happen for a couple of months though. It'll be chaos at my current location a little bit while the new charter is trying to get the new Chino center open, and which of our currently enrolled students will be transferring over there or trying to follow the current Chino teachers to their new locations. The San Gabriel Charter wants to get more and more students off of the waiting lists but the problem is when they do open the new Chino center, they probably won't have a full load of teachers to cover all the students that need to go over there from the current Chino center. It's a very confusing, frustrating, and stressful situation. I just hope it goes smoother then it has been.

I have been sick since last Thursday. It's mostly been in my sinuses until yesterday it creeped into my lungs, but that i think is more from irriatation from the Ren Faire then the actual illness. I took Saturday off from the Faire and stayed home. I watched a lot of movies, but I got the kitchen really cleaned. Of course it's a mess again because the guys are really bad about cleaning in there at all. I worked both my usual shifts yesterday, but the dirt and my hawking really compounded my lung irritation. We ended up leaving later then I wanted due to Erik's coworkers at Tabacco being drunk and not able to properly close up the both. The owner went out to his car and took a nap. As he was walking back to the booth about 6:30, he ended up yakking in a trash can. I'm lucky if I have one drink the entire weekend, but some faire workers spend the day perpetually drunk it's ridiculous. We ended up not seeing Ye Olde Man or Iron aka Iron Man yesterday like we planned due to leaving late and me feeling like crap, so we'll see it tonight. I don't know why I like stupid comic book movies but I do. My favorite movies to see at the theatre are always the big budgit fantasy and special effects movies. I'm looking forward to seeing Iron Man, Prince Caspian, The new Indy, The dark Knight, and many many more this season. I could careless about the movie Speed Racer. That one is just too comic book looky to me.

I'll be letting Mike know I'm quitting the cleanning job tomorrow. I haven't found him a replacement and I'm just so tired of the job. I'm anxiously awaiting the day I don't have to remember to go there. I'll miss the dogs though but not their crap :). Only 2 more weekends of Faire as well. It's been an interesting year. I've been seeing and running into a lot of old and current friends. Ran into an Old Junior College Friend Will this past Sunday. He's half the size he was when I knew him. He's looking good. Sadly he informed me that he was divorced. He's only in his mid 20s too. The last time he had been to Faire was when it was still in Devore and I had taken him and that was back in 2001 before I started working the faire. Ray came again, but he wasn't drunk sadly. Still no drunken run in with Ray this year. My friend Lacey came tooo. It was fun to see her.

I got the results from my Thyroid Test and she's lowering my dosage from .2 to .175mg. I'm a little nervous because I've been feeling good and finally losing weight consistently, but we'll see have it goes.

I'm at work as usual. We started our yearly Star Testing so that's all we're doing. I'm hoping to get caught up on a lot of stuff. Gotta get back too it.

Later All.

Friday, May 2, 2008

A weekly life update...

I've decided, if I don't have an answer by next Wednesday from my 2 friends, I will let Mike know my intentions of quitting the cleaning job. I want to give him at least a months notice if I didn't have anyone to replace me. The condom wrapper situation didn't bother me in a gross out gross out. At least it wasn't the actual condom, that I would have had major issues with. This was like walking into say your parents room and finding one on the floor. He's my parent's age which is why it bugged me. I don't want to think of him getting lucky ;).

Last weekend Erik and I camped out at the Faire site. I found out they are selling camping passes. This is the first year they are selling passes. It's $20 dollars a weekend or $100 for the run of faire. If Erik and I had known sooner, we might have camped more often. Of course, we decide to camp when Chilly Willy is visiting from up North and Phil decides to camp as well. Chilly or course drinks too much and by the time faire is over for the day and it's time to set up camp he is complelely gone. He starts to strip and yells and puts up his tent naked. A naked Chilly is not something anyone wants to see. He almost gets kicked off of faire site. It is definitely a memory I didn't need, but it was still hysterical all the same. Erik and I grill up some sausages and onions which some garlic bread. The rest of the guys are waiting on Pizza, but pilfer our food while they wait. We had plenty. I slept pretty restfully until I got woken up by someone puking in a trashcan behind up somewhere and then tearing into mine and Erik's cooler looking for water. We didn't pack enough water and the water we did take ended up being drunk by most of the others. The persone tearing through our cooler found a water bottle, but it was full of Vodka instead. He wasn't the only one tricked by that bottle that day. I was surprised there was any left. I had a mai ti mix in there that was alcohol free that was half gone the next day. They were desperate. I only had 2 drinks the entire day. We decided we will remember regular drinks and bring less alcohol next time so others can't steal as much ;). Luckily, the place I work at faire provides me with free water and ice to drink.

It was a bloody miserably hot, but it was still a fun weekend. It was the weekend to run into old college friends. I got to congratulate my old college buddies Cable and Hannah on their recent engagement. I didn't get the usual drunken run in with Ray because when I ran into him on Sunday it was before he had had any ale yet. I missed him later too because I caught up with my friend Arie and John and watched the Boggards and then walked around with them where I found my mom the cutest birthday present. I missed running into my old Junior college friend that Kristen and Sonny. I would have loved seeing them.

The week was fairly humdrum besides that until I took my sanity day off yesterday. I so needed it, but now I think I'm coming down sick. Have a small sore throat. I was productive yesterday. I got my blood drawn for my thyroid check, and finally got my live scan done so I can get my sub credential and make more money at work. I did laundry and caught up on hours of TV. I was active and lazy all in the same day. Now I'm at work, avoiding work. When I first walked in my co-worker Andrea is all have you read your email. I don't look at my email when I'm not at work. She's like, "They annouced where everyone is going". To make a long story short, my current location of work is moving and being absorbed by another Charter (still Options for Youth, but technically a different district). I could have chosen to go to the new chino location, but I wanted to keep my current supervisors and administration, plus I make more hours and have potential to make more money in my current charter. This not knowing has been going on for the last 7 months. Today, I found out I'm going to the center I wanted to go. I get to keep my immediate current supervisors. They're also going to that center as well. It will be a bigger center, but I couldn't have gotten better news. It's in Upland. Of course, I'll have to drive the 10 which I'm not a fan of but my commute will be about the same. I really need to update more often so i don't write a book. Only 3 more weekends of Faire and I'll be golden for free time. I'm missing my family. Glad I get to talk to a few of you through here at least.

Friday's more SparkPeople.com Reflections

Here are some more healthy reflections to share.

Redefining wealth
America is the richest nation on the planet. Daily, the importance and value of monetary wealth is reinforced to us--cars, celebrity, pampering, exotic travel, a desirable wardrobe, and money beyond comprehension are constantly before our eyes as the goals you "should" strive for. Money is power, they say, but is it really? Studies show that the wealthy are no happier than anyone else. In fact some would say people in such circumstances are even more prone to addiction, depression, and feelings of low self-worth. The real goals you should desire are a healthy body and a positive lifestyle. Eating well, exercising, and getting adequate rest gives you an edge against cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other ailments that are wrecking our society and cutting lives short everyday. A long, healthy life and taking care of yourself should be your new marker for wealth.

Growing your inner garden
In order to grow anything in a garden, a lot of factors must come into play--properly planting the seeds or flowers into the soil, watering, weeding, fertilizing, and ensuring adequate sunlight. Are you tending to your own goals in the same fashion? Getting that new job takes determination and positive vision to make that dream a reality. Do you believe in your abilities? Believing is a wonderful, powerful tool but it takes more than that. You've got to fight the elements, take good care of yourself, and dig down deep for courage in order for your seeds to be cultivated into success.

Taking the more difficult road to success
Cheating to get ahead might get you the grade or promotion, but in the long run it really sets you back. Intelligence, creativity, hard work, and solid character--the things that propel you forward--are not fostered by taking the easy way out. You don't earn anything by short-cutting your work. You're only cutting your potential short. Sure you might feel relieved that a stressful task has passed, but an undeserving sense of relief doesn't compare to the gratification of knowing that you completed your own work. If something in your life is difficult, meet it head on and earn the satisfaction of earning a job well done--with honesty and integrity.
Cheating to get ahead might get you the grade or promotion, but in the long run it really sets you back. Intelligence, creativity, hard work, and solid character--the things that propel you forward--are not fostered by taking the easy way out. You don't earn anything by short-cutting your work. You're only cutting your potential short. Sure you might feel relieved that a stressful task has passed, but an undeserving sense of relief doesn't compare to the gratification of knowing that you completed your own work. If something in your life is difficult, meet it head on and earn the satisfaction of earning a job well done--with honesty and integrity.

What we can learn from our path to the present
Often in moments of discouragement or depression, it's easy to feel that your life is going nowhere or that change is impossible. But it's simply not true! Take a minute to think back over your life. Chances are, you'll see a lot of growth in all of your formative areas. From childish playing, to youthful impulsiveness and adult reasoning, life sure has taken you on a rollercoaster hasn't it? When you were young, someone probably asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up. If someone posed that same question to you now, what would you say? Let this reflection be an indicator of your dreams.

Are you making a difference?
Have you ever said "I want to help do this," or "I'd like to be involved in that"? Many people have grand intentions but forget about the importance of following through. It is far better to take the time to complete small deeds than to spend your time talking about what you want to do someday. Sometimes you may feel that a small deed will not make a difference. Just remember that every bit--even a small bit--helps. Every good deed makes a difference to someone.

Never giving up
Do you ever get frustrated because things are moving too slowly in your life? Many people don't realize that building a foundation for success does not happen overnight. It is a slow process in which you are constantly working and learning. After all, that foundation must remain strong, even in times of failure or crisis. This takes time! You may have to remind yourself that "failing" is only failure if you quit; otherwise it's a learning opportunity. So don't worry if your life seems to be moving in slow motion. Concentrate on building a solid foundation and learning from your back steps.